Questions to ask yourself before redesigning your living room
The living room is a room in house or apartment used for relaxation and socialization. Usually, a living room is adjacent to the main entrance of the house. This is the reason why it is sometimes called front room. As a matter of fact, living room is called differently by different people. Sitting room, family room, living area, lounge are some of its names. Living room includes a sofa, center table and art works. In most instances, certain items, such as television, books, magazines and decorative items, have been added on display to fulfill its purpose.
Why do we redesign our homes? Basically redesigning something means improving that something. Well in this case, it’s improving your living room. Before redesigning your living room, here are some questions you can contemplate on so you will have an outstanding output:
Will I be blocking the flow in the living room?
Feel free to come up with your own design of the living room. This would add up to the spice in your home. But don’t change the part in your living room where you will be adding an obstacle course in your room. This would just add frustration to your part when you are done. Because by the time you realize it, you would be exerting another effort in removing that obstacle course. Things that may get in the way are cardboard, boxes, side tables, and other decorations.
What storage will I be needing?
Most homeowners are having challenges on where to keep things, especially those which are used frequently. This may result to having clutters in the living room. Why not try looking for a possible storage area where you can store your stuffs. For example under the staircase where it is not commonly used or you can build a storage box under the window.
Just to give an example. There are storage boxes being sold in stores or even on line where they will also be good decors for your room. These storage boxes are not that expensive as you think and will serve the purpose of being a storage box and a room decoration.
How do I visualize my living room?
We know you have an idea on what to do with your living room. Consulting other friends or event the internet would not hurt before proceeding with your plan. You may also want to check magazines to get more ideas.
In addition to those, try to work within the reach of your pocket. Check stores or online for the prices of the stuffs you will be needing. Do not hesitate to do this because it will just add to your frustration if you do not achieve your goal because of budget constraints.
Can I easily access sockets and switches?
There is no need to add sockets and switches especially if you are tight on budget. You may want to work on what you already have. Place the electrical appliances to where sockets can easily be accessed. For example, lamps should be placed where you can easily plug it without using any extension cords.
Are the stuffs I’m going to add proportionate to my living room?
You do not want to add a chandelier as big as the ones in hotels just so you like the chandelier itself. Consider the size of the items you will be adding. Are they in the right scale? Before installing them, will they look good in the living room? Scaling is important in interior design as this refers to the comparative size of objects and is an absolute measurement.
Should I go to a professional?
Actually it depends on you, but small projects can be easily done without seeking professional assistance. For instance, if you simply want to enlarge your window, you need not consult a professional. You and your contractor can do the design and the construction. When it comes to larger project such as renovating the whole living room, you may want to consider hiring a professional to make sure the aesthetics blend with the structural requirements of the project. Plan first on what to do and seek the help of relevant professionals if the need arises.