
Sebastian Scaglione (born 1991 in Buenos Aires) is an Argentine artist and graphic designer, who works under his pseudonym CEVO. He has always been passionate about how shapes, colorsRead more, and strokes can communicate with each other in an unlimited universe of possibilities. Deciding to keep growing as an artist, Sebastian made a base in Stockholm, where he is currently developing his artwork all around the city.

Interrupted Universe is CEVO's first Photowall collection, consisting of six powerful, expressive and monochrome dotwork illustrations. Each motif consists of meticulously detailed, hand-drawn drawings photographed and processed digitally. CEVO's incomparable artwork uses a special drawing technique called stippling, creating images of hundreds of thousands of small dots. Together they form a unique image world and we are granted access to an alternative universe. Interrupted Universe includes six wallpaper motifs and canvas prints, along with four posters, exclusively available at Photowall.

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