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DIY – Making your own knobs for the children's room

Hooks, knob strips and knobs are interior fittings with both a practical and decorative function in the children's room. You can actually make your own with very simple means.

In fact, you'll only need a coarser round rod and some plywood scraps to create your personal knobs at home. Here, I will make a set of fruit knobs on which you can hang clothes, necklaces, and more.

Making nice wooden fruit knobs for the children's room

Difficulty level



2 to 3 hours

Material required:

  • Plywood
  • Round, ø 25 mm rod
  • Screws long enough to go through the entire knob and into the wall
  • Jigsaw
  • Sanding paper
  • Drill
  • Hobby paint

Start by drawing whatever shape you fancy on your knobs/hooks; you can either sketch on a piece of paper or directly on the plywood. I will draw them as citrus fruits to match the Orange Tree poster that hangs on the wall. 

Saw out the fruits and sand them clean with sandpaper. It's fine to do by it hand but then it is best to make shapes without too many details. 

Once you are happy with your wooden fruits' shape, paint them over with hobby varnish. 

Saw the round rod into 4-cm-long pieces, i.e., the distance between wall and fruit. The round rod can also fit hangers. 

Pre-drill a hole straight through the round rod with a bit that has the same diameter as the screw. It can be a good idea to make it so that the round rod does not crack as you insert the screw.


Pre-drill through the fruit as well. If you would like to make a nicer hole and hide the screw head, drill a few millimetres with a bit that has the same diameter as the screw head, and thus countersink it. 



Screw the screw through the fruit and round rod. You may also paint the back and the round rod. Then place it anywhere on the wall with screws. Remember to use the correct screw for your wall when doing this. 


Lastly, we hide the screw head by painting over it with a little hobby paint. I chose to just paint in with paint, but if you want to do an even nicer job, fill in the screw hole, sand it, and paint it over. Remember to do this when the knob is on the wall.





Anna María Larsson is a creator, inspirator and DIY professional. She is of the firm opinion that everyone is creative and can come up with ideas; it only requires a little training. She appears on a regular basis on TV, holds workshops and gives lectures. She shares what she creates and offers inspiration with her blog and Instagram account @dnilva.

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