How to clean wallpaper

Not all wallpapers are the same. Similarly, not all of them can be cleaned in the same way. This article is dedicated to help you clean any wallpaper type, considering each of their unique characteristics.

Learning how to clean wallpaper effectively not only ensures its longevity but also enhances its visual allure in any room. In this comprehensive guide, we will initially delve into the various types of wallpapers, focusing on their distinct characteristics and specific cleaning needs. More importantly, we will walk you through various methods and techniques for cleaning all types of wallpaper safely and effectively, making the process simple and easy to follow.


What are the different types of wallpapers


Understanding the different types of wallpapers is key to effective cleaning and maintenance. Each type possesses unique characteristics, crafted from distinct materials that respond differently to cleaning techniques. In this section, we'll dive into each type in detail.

Non-woven wallpapers: This type of wallpaper is made from a blend of synthetic and natural fibers. They are highly durable, tear-resistant, and easy to clean and maintain. They are also easy to install and remove. Further, they are breathable, reducing the risk of mold growth and contributing to better indoor air quality. When it comes to cleaning wallpapers, non-woven wallpaper is a user-friendly choice.

Peel-and-stick wallpaper: Also known as removable wallpaper or self-adhesive wallpaper, these wallpapers are prized for easy installation and removal. Relevantly, they are durable and easy to maintain. A simple wipe-down with a damp cloth efficiently removes dust and minor spills, making these wallpapers a stylish, practical, and low-maintenance choice. 

Cellulose wallpaper: Composed predominantly of wood pulp-based plant fibers, cellulose wallpaper is a classic choice, but it tends to fade under sunlight and suffer water damage. They require careful handling and gentle cleaning solutions to prevent damage.

Bamboo wallpaper: Bamboo wallpaper, being plant-based, offers an environmentally friendly and sustainable choice. Though unique in appearance, it doesn't do well in damp environments and requires careful handling to prevent water-induced damage.

Fabric wallpaper: Fabric wallpapers add an opulent touch with elements like silk, velvet, or linen. These wallpapers necessitate a gentle cleaning, such as dry dusting or vacuuming, as they may not react well to liquid cleaning agents.

Fiberglass wallpaper: This type of wallpaper has a high resistance to flames and can potentially last up to three decades. However, fiberglass wallpapers can be more expensive than other types of wallpapers.

Vinyl Wallpaper: As this wallpaper type is particularly durable and can withstand moisture-laden environments like kitchens and bathrooms, it permits a more intensive cleaning regimen than other varieties.


How to clean wallpaper in a safe way


After determining the type of wallpaper in your room, it's time to know how to clean your wallpaper safely and effectively. As you now know, it's not a one-size-fits-all situation; each wallpaper type warrants a particular cleaning approach, considering its unique composition and durability.  

Nevertheless, our guide is here to help. It will help you clean non-woven wallpapers, peel-and-stick wallpapers, sensitive types of wallpapers (cellulose, fabric, and bamboo), and durable wallpapers (vinyl and fiberglass). The four categories include different techniques and tools needed for cleaning. But before delving into the specifics of cleaning different types of wallpapers, we will first go through the preliminary step that all wallpapers require: dusting.


How to dust all wallpaper types


Regardless of the wallpaper type— non-woven, removable, sensitive, or durable— the first step is to remove dust and cobwebs gently. Achieve this with a clean microfiber cloth tied to a broom or a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment. Replace or clean the cloth as needed, and ensure the vacuum attachment is clean.


Tools for dusting any wallpaper type


● Microfiber cloth attached to a clean broom

● A vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment


How to clean non-woven wallpapers


Non-woven wallpapers strike the perfect balance: their high resistance to tearing grants them an edge in durability over other types, such as cellulose, fabric, and bamboo wallpapers. At the same time, they come with various designs and colors, setting them apart from vinyl and fiberglass options. They are also easy to maintain. Photowall sells high-quality, non-woven wallpaper. Below are several techniques to clean them.


Washing (Method A)


After dusting your wallpaper, you may now clean your wallpaper gently. With this method, you only need a soft, slightly damp cloth to clean your non-woven wallpaper in smooth, downward strokes. Be extra careful around the wallpaper joints and avoid excessively wetting the wallpaper.

Tools needed for method A


● A soft cloth

● A spray bottle with clean water (for dampening the cloth)


Washing (Method B)


If you have a Photowall Premium wallpaper, you have an advantage because it is suitable for cleaning products: you can use a mild detergent solution for a more thorough cleaning. Dampen a sponge in the solution and carefully wipe away any stains or splatters


Tools needed for method B


● A soft sponge

● Mild detergent (only for premium wallpapers)




After washing, allow your wallpaper to dry naturally. Avoid using heat sources, such as hair dryers, as they can cause the wallpaper to shrink or warp. Patience is key in this process to prevent moisture damage and maintain the wallpaper's quality and longevity. It's essential to let the wall dry completely after cleaning to prevent mold and mildew growth.

With these methods, your non-woven wallpapers will continue to add charm to your office or home decor with their clean and vibrant look.


How to clean peel-and-stick wallpaper


Also called self-adhesive or removable wallpapers, this type is generally washable and easy to clean. Indeed, it’s a favorite of DIY enthusiasts— and Photowall offers this type too in high-quality. With the right tools and techniques, you can clean any removable wallpaper effectively without causing any damage.


Technique for light cleaning 


For light soiling, mix a few drops of mild dish soap into a bucket of warm water and use a soft cloth or sponge to wipe down the wallpaper gently. Always test the solution on an inconspicuous area first to ensure it does not cause discoloration or fading.


Tools needed for light cleaning


● A soft cloth or sponge

● Mild dish soap

● Bucket of warm water


Technique for stubborn stains


If there are stubborn stains, you can employ a diluted vinegar solution. Blend one part white vinegar with four to five parts warm water and apply it to the stain with a soft cloth. Allow it to rest briefly before wiping it away with a damp cloth.


Tools needed for stubborn stains 


● A soft cloth

● White vinegar

● Warm water


Eco-friendly alternative cleaning technique


If you prefer not to use chemicals on your removable wallpapers, an eco-friendly option is available. You may create a paste from baking soda and warm water, which can effectively scrub away stains. Apply this paste to a soft cloth and gently clean the wallpaper. After using this method, remember to rinse the area thoroughly to avoid any potential damage to the wallpaper. Again, test your cleaner in an inconspicuous area first.


Tools needed for eco-friendly cleaning


● Baking soda

● A soft cloth

● Bucket of warm water


How to clean sensitive wallpapers (cellulose, fabric, and bamboo wallpapers)


Sensitive wallpapers— including cellulose, fabric, and bamboo wallpapers— require a bit more care and consideration when cleaning. These wallpapers may not be as robust as non-woven or vinyl and fiberglass wallpapers, but with gentle care, you can help retain their distinctive appeal. Let's go through simple ways to clean sensitive wallpapers:


Dry Cleaning


For cellulose and fabric wallpapers that should be cleaned dry, you only need a soft-bristle brush to dislodge any residual or stubborn dirt. The key here is to be gentle and meticulous to prevent any damage to the delicate surface of the wallpaper. Remember, your goal is to lift and remove the dirt, not to scrub it into the paper.


Gentle cleaning 


This method applies mostly to wallpapers that can handle slight dampness, like bamboo wallpapers. For this method, you will need a soft, slightly damp cloth. Apply it in smooth, downward strokes on your wallpaper. Do not excessively wet the wallpaper or rub the cloth around the joints.


Tools needed for gentle cleaning


● A soft cloth

● A spray bottle with clean water (for dampening the cloth)


Addressing stubborn stains

Sometimes, sensitive wallpapers may get a stubborn stain. In such cases, you can use an art gum eraser to remove the mark gently. It's important to test the eraser on an inconspicuous area of the wallpaper first to ensure it doesn't cause any discoloration or damage.

Sensitive wallpapers may be susceptible to damage over time, including the unfortunate peeling of seams. If you notice any damage or issues with your wallpaper seams, refer to our guide on how to fix wallpaper seams here: How to fix wallpaper seams


How to clean vinyl and fiberglass wallpapers



Here's how you can clean these wallpapers effectively:


Light Cleaning


After dusting, if only light cleaning is required, a soft, slightly damp cloth can be used to clean the wallpaper in smooth, downward strokes. Always be careful around the wallpaper joints and avoid getting the wallpaper excessively wet by using a spray bottle with water.


Tools needed for initial cleaning


● A soft cloth

● A spray bottle with clean water (for dampening the cloth)


Deep cleaning 


For deeper cleaning, resilient wallpapers can handle mild detergent solutions. Mix a little detergent in warm water and apply this solution gently with a sponge, cleaning in circular motions to tackle stubborn dirt or stains.


Tools needed for deep cleaning


● A soft sponge

● Mild detergent

● Bucket of warm water

Take note, while vinyl and fiberglass wallpapers are more durable, they still benefit from gentle, regular cleaning to preserve their vibrant colors and keep them looking their best.


Common mistakes to avoid when cleaning wallpaper


When maintaining your wallpaper, it's not just about what you should do, but also what you shouldn't do. Avoiding common cleaning mistakes can go a long way in preserving the beauty and longevity of your wallpaper. Here are a few common errors and how to steer clear of them

Over-saturating the wallpaper: While some wallpapers can handle a bit of moisture, saturating your wallpaper can cause damage, such as peeling or discoloration. Always ensure your cleaning cloth or sponge is damp, not dripping wet, and be mindful of the amount of cleaning solution used.

Scrubbing too hard: Wallpapers, even resilient ones, can be damaged by vigorous scrubbing. The key is to be gentle and patient. If a stain doesn't come out right away, it's better to repeat a gentle cleaning process than to risk damaging your wallpaper with aggressive scrubbing.

Using harsh cleaning products: Not all cleaning products are suitable for wallpapers. Avoid anything that contains bleach or other harsh chemicals, as they can cause fading or discoloration. Opt for mild detergents and test any new cleaning product in an inconspicuous area first.

Not drying the wallpaper properly: After cleaning, it's important to allow the wallpaper to dry naturally and completely. Avoid using heat sources like hair dryers, as they can cause the wallpaper to shrink or warp.

Neglecting regular dusting: Regular dusting can prevent build-up of dirt and grime, making the cleaning process easier and more effective. Dust and clean your wallpaper routinely to maintain its appearance.

Nevertheless, even with regular and proper cleaning, wallpapers typically have a lifespan of around 15 years. When it's time for a refresh, knowing how to remove wallpaper properly becomes essential. Find out how in our comprehensive guide here: How to remove wallpaper