Brief history
Did you know that the first official airport opened in 1908 in Albany, New York? Back in those days, pilots used to land the aircraft on just about anything, as long as it was a flat area. There were designated landing strips made of dirt or cement, but not really something akin to the airports we have today like in airports wall murals. Sadly, the advent of World War I accelerated the development of this infrastructure. Since aircraft were by then used to not only transport troops, supplies and personnel, but was also used in combat, there was an immediate need to build more airfields. Later on, after World War II, there was an actual surplus of military airports in the United States of America alone which were then handed to local governments who turned them into airports. This was the case in many other parts of the world as well. As you can see, the remnants we see in airports wall murals were borne out of something tragic but turned into something positive. This is a meaningful context to have in your interiors, something that family and friends will appreciate. It is not every day that you encounter someone who has airports wall murals as their focal point.
Airports wall murals for the young ones
Aviation is definitely something that always interests the youth, since flight is such an innate fascination of humanity. Children in general love to experience and enjoy different kinds of adventures, especially young boys. Airports wall murals can satisfy that thirst for excitement and also help in educate them about this type of infrastructure and the importance it plays in society. The simply titled "Sunset Inflight" is a wonderful example of this, going into the detail what what really fascinated the kids about airports. They will surely love to have images of aircraft like these displayed in their rooms where you can likewise incorporate airports wall murals into the theme of their room. Couple airports wall murals with decorative items like hanging airplanes or even an aviation-themed bed. Boys and girls will definitely admire this kind of set-up, whether it is in their bedroom, study area or play pen. Airports wall murals might even inspire a future pilot in them!
More samples
Airports wall murals also contain unique designs that can really elevate your wall decoration to the next level. Take for instance the motif named "London - Paris - New York". You will immediately recognize the aesthetic, especially if you are well-traveled. Seeing these locations light up in airports is always something memorable because it entertains the idea of possibility. That is what makes airports wall murals so attractive, it opens up your mind to new experience but also reminds you of that rush of adrenaline you feel when you are at the airport waiting to go to new place. "Airplane in Heathrow, England" is another airports wall mural that captures that feeling of excitement. With images such as these, you can recreate the emotion and joy you feel when you are about to embark on a journey. Photowall's airports wall murals, just like the structures themselves, are a gateway to happiness!