Modern Retro Design – fun and light style
The Modern Retro design is one of the old styles that are into the come back these days. We often see these designs over the internet and that these are loved by many individuals for many reasons.
What exactly is Modern Retro?
Were you born in the 70’s, 80’s or the 90’s? If yes, then you are probably aware of the trend during those times. For instance, fashion trend during the 1970’s is different from what we are used today. This include the culture and the situation of the society during those times. What happened during the 70’s? To start with, there were different events that occurred during those days such as women’s liberation, nuclear awareness, environmentalism and do not forget the music. There was also the color explosion during the 70’s, wherein the interior was splashed with loud colors and wild designs. This is also true with the design of the clothes.
Modern retro design is from a style not too long ago such as in 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. We are not just talking about clothing style here but design as well. If one will ask you about how you feel when you see and hear the trend during the throwback years, you might say that it is very nostalgic and that it is nice to experience them once more. Most of the Modern retro designs focus on fun so that the feeling would be light.
Features of the Modern Retro Design
The Modern Retro design is becoming popular these days. Designers are still amazed and interested with the trend from the past. There are features or characteristics of the modern retro that makes it unique among the other designs. Here are the traits of the modern retro design that are definitely nostalgic and can be used in creating you own design:
1. music themes with the use of turntables, tapes or boom boxes
2. squiggles and line art that are brightly colored
3. geometric shapes with thick strokes
4. flat elements from shapes to lines and icons
5. neon colors, neon lights
6. simple animation
7. rich color palette with happy hues, such as red, yellow and orange
8. pixel based illustration which mimics the video games during those times
9. abstract illustrations that feature people without faces
10. check on the first PC and video games particularly the pixel art and the famous space themes during those times.
Pros and Cons of the Modern retro design
Just like in any other designs, the modern retro design likewise has its ups and downs. It’s a good thing since we can balance what to include and exclude in the design you are planning for your interior.
Modern retro design can be fun and light. The shapes and bright colors associated with the throwback can grab the attention of your guest or family members. The pixel design can communicate easily the era by just glancing at it. Modern retro can be considered as the evolution of the style and design that were made popular during those decades.
However, there are those homeowners who, we might say, are not into the throwback due to many reasons. As mentioned earlier, any design still have their ups and downs. No exceptions. This design is not for everybody as many may not be able to relate or understand them. You may find it hard to blend this design with the modern design due to their unique features. The design may appear unorganized due to the colors and shapes and the typefaces.