Habits to keep your home free from any clutter
Every day we encounter problems in our homes. As simple as clutter on the floor may be annoying, not to mention, an eye-sore. Isn’t amazing if we sort them out and everything will flow smoothly. Here are some tip you may consider to have a clutter-free home:
Planning ahead your activities
Plan ahead of time on what you’re going to do. It is best to clear your home part by part on a daily basis. For example, tomorrow you’re going to take care of the bedroom, the living room the next day, the kitchen the day after that. In this way, you will be able to focus on each room and move on once you are done with a room. Try to inform the other household members of your activity so that they may be well aware of your plan. Who know, they may also do their share in clearing the house.
Moving around the house
As you move around the different parts of your house, pick up the things that are misplaced and put them away. In this way, you will not exert extra energy in going back to the areas and clearing them up. You may consider using a basket where you can temporarily put the misplaced items. Then at the end of the day’s activity, you can now throw them into their proper places.
You may as well check on your “personal storage areas” such as the car, shelves, bags, side tables. There are times that little rubbish such as small notes, receipts, candy wrappers and tissues are not thrown away after use. These will add to the clutter. Do not be a pack rat and throw them away. It may also be strategical to place trash bins in certain places so that you may be able to throw away small rubbish and avoid accumulation of unwanted items.
A penny for your thoughts
Admit it, there are times that you just place your coins anywhere such as your jacket pocket or on the bedside table. Well, try to place your change in your wallet or if you want, you may want to collect them and place them inside a jar. In this case, you will prevent these coins from cluttering in your house. This is particularly important if you have a toddler in the house wherein they tend to put small items in their mouth. Additionally, a $100.00 will not be $100.00 if not for the nickel. Who knows, you may be able to buy things with the change that you were able to collect or save.
Stationery and other small items collection
Most of the time you see stationery, pens, sticky notes anywhere. Collect them and place them near your work area or study area. You may opt to use a box where you can keep these items so that the next time you need them, you will know where to get them. Just make sure not to misplace them again. This is also true with paper clips and other office or school materials. There are times that we tend to leave them in certain places and once they accumulate it will already be an eyesore. So in order to clutter-free home, return them to their proper places after you’re done with them.
Clothes everywhere
Your house is not your dressing room. Put away clothes in their proper places. Soiled clothes should be placed in the laundry basket and clean ones in the proper shelf or cabinet. If you are going to wash your clothes, load up your washing machine in the evening and hang them out immediately after washing to be dried in the morning, Always fold washed clothing. This would save you energy and electricity since you do not need to iron them.