Basic information
Spiders wall murals will teach you things like the fact that spiders are actually arachnids, and not insects as many people believe them to be. They belong to the arthropod family of animals, which are characterized by their exoskeleton, segmented body and jointed appendages. Another difference between spiders and insects is that the former has eight legs, as previously mentioned, whereas insects have six. Spiders wall murals are a great way to spread this information and educate people about these creatures. Did you know that there around 43,000 different species of spiders found across the globe? They live on every continent except Antarctica, having become such survivors that some of them live in tropical climates, some deep in the forest far away from people, while others can be very beneficial to a garden, eliminating a handful of garden pests.
Educating with spiders wall murals
Some of you might think it is unfair that we think of spiders as gross, or as pests. Research has shown that the fear of spiders, which is called Arachnophobia, affects 3% to 15% of the population! With spiders wall murals, you can tell your family, friends and colleagues who are afraid of spiders that this fear is somehow built into our DNA. You see, based on our evolutionary history, our ancestors came into regular contact with a variety of spiders, but more crucially, the venomous ones. They thus developed a survival instinct to be wary of spiders, which we now carry with us since most people are afraid to even touch them. Spiders wall murals can really help out in this regard because by making people comfortable around the image of a spider, it might translate to them being less fearful of the mostly harmless species. Ironically, spiders are a big part of our upbringing in pop culture, just think of "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Charlotte's Web" and one of the most popular superheroes of all time, Spider-Man!
Up, up and away web
For a solid look with a beautiful natural pattern, look no further than some of our samples within the spiders wall murals selection. "Autumn Jewelry", for instance, is a beautifully moody image that shows the intricacy and strength of a spider web. Did you know that spiderwebs are meant to attract and not intercept? It is a common misconception that they just set up in a promising area of insects and wait to see what happens. Like some of our spiders wall murals show, these creatures are way more proactive in their web building, with designs that are actively meant to attract prey and not just trap the unlucky ones who just happen to pass by. "Spider Web on Morning Sunlight" is a spiders wall mural that shows off both the gorgeous natural pattern and the ingenuity in its design. The reason why this spiderweb appears to be shiny is because it is more reflective in UV light, leading to insect attraction because insects have better visual perception in UV wavelengths of light.