Lithuania wall murals and history
It was in 1253 when the then Kingdom of Lithuania was created by the tribal leader named Mindaugas. In 1323 Germans and German Jews were invited to come and inhabit a city that we will later also discuss in Lithuania wall murals because the seat of power of this country was also moved at that time to the said location. Lithuania underwent many wars in the following centuries, whether coming from within or from outside forces. Arguably the worst was in the 17th century when the Great Northern War forced some 35,000 people. It is important to remember this history when using Lithuania wall murals because it is part of the package and can be used for good. Throughout the 18th century, the Lithuanians fell under the powers to be that were Napoleon and the Russian empire. Despite the capital's city wall being destroyed multiple times and resistances being squashed left and right, these proud people somehow still survived. Lithuania wall murals can translate that perseverance and strength onto your wall as well. They were also big victims of World War II when German invaders sent more than 20,000 people to the infamous Russian gulags. It took until 1990 for this country to finally break free from the Soviet Union and despite attempts to supress this, they were able to declare independence. Not only can Lithuania wall murals please the eyes, but also give a quick history lesson that many will not forget.
Get inspired
With such an incredible history and being known for having spectacular natural scenery, it is easy to see how many people would want to visit this Baltic country some day. Let Lithuania wall murals be the inspiration for you and for others. Insiders say that traveling in Lithuania is actually quite affordable as long as you come prepared. Another helpful aspect to this is that most people under 30 speak excellent English and that their Wi-Fi is spectacular with Lithuania rising to become a technology hub in the region. When people ask you about your Lithuania wall murals, you can also tell them that they should visit because it is considered one of the safest countries in the Baltic area. It always helps to have a little knowledge about the subject of your interior design, especially with something that people might consider obscure like the country in Lithuania wall murals.
The capital in Lithuania wall murals
Speaking of affordable, did you know that the Lithuanian capital is known to be one of the cheapest cities in Europe and a very popular destination among budget travelers? When you look at Lithuania wall murals featuring Vilnius, you might also notice that it has mesmerizing architecture. It is no wonder therefore that its Old Town has acquired the renowned UNESCO World Heritage Site status. As a matter of fact, Vilnius possesses plenty of amazing churches and museums that you will surely remember for a lifetime. For the fans of modern architecture, however, there are sights in Lithuania wall murals like "Vilnius Lithuania Skyline" where you can see one of the most impressive buildings in the country. The Europa Tower is the tallest skyscraper in the Baltic states which are comprised of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. You can see this massive building in other Lithuania wall murals like "Vilnius Skyline Black", standing at an incredible 148 meters above ground level.