History in giants wall murals
A legend of giants can be found in practically every culture around the world. Ancient literature talks about human-like creatures that towered above everybody and could be either benevolent or violent. Do not fret, the ones here in giants wall murals are the former. Just like most fabled beings, the word for giants can be traced back to Greek mythology because it comes from the Greek word "gigantes". Their appearance as we picture them now though has more to do with Norse mythology and European folklore, because although Greek giants had a human semblance, they possessed the feet of serpents. It is difficult to pin down an exact definition of a giant since they have so many varying characteristics, but of course the main trait is that they are huge humanoid beings that retain incredible strength and fortitude. All of our childhoods contained stories dealing with them, and giants wall murals can be a nice throwback to those times. There are also affable and child-friendly images in giants wall murals, which will we go back to later.
The artistry
Having a work of art in your interiors bring many benefits, not just visual but also mental. With this in mind, check out the gorgeous giants wall mural titled "Francisco Goya - Colossus". This absolutely stunning artwork was created by Francisco Goya who was born on the 30th of March in 1746 in the small town of Fuendetodos in Spain. When he was merely fourteen, Goya began a four-year apprenticeship in Saragossa to José Luzán, an undistinguished painter who had studied in Naples. Perhaps you can see the influence of these different styles in giants wall murals. Francisco Goya's was an esteemed portraitist since he received many commissions from high society and eventually even the royalty. As a matter of fact, he was appointed painter to King Charles III in 1786. The giants wall mural featuring his painting originally named "El Coloso" is a scene of drama and peril where you can see the gargantuan individual standing over a valley with his legs and feet obscured by a mountain. This giants wall mural can be interpreted in many different ways, one of which is him being the protector rather than the tormentor since you cannot see the degree or origin of destruction. Whichever way your analysis goes, giants wall murals like this will make for an interesting conversation starter in your interiors.
More giants wall murals
The aforementioned giants wall mural "Francisco Goya - Colossus" might be a bit much for younger children. This is why giants wall murals also has more quirky and age-appropriate giants wall murals such as "Age of the Giants". A peculiar night scene with vibrant colours will delight your kids and entice them to share it with their friends. A gentle giant is watching over the castle with some ships and even a whale in foreground. These are already a couple of fantastic elements that will catch the young one's attention. The gorgeous artistry is coupled with hues and tones that can relax but also stimulate the minds of children. Giants wall murals like this will look perfect in the bedroom, study areas and play spaces.