Engrossing in sci-fi landscapes wall murals
There is a common belief held by society in general that evidence of the existence of extra-terrestrial life abounds all over the universe. It is simply that the different governments of the world cover them up because they believe that mankind is not yet ready to accept the fact that he has to share this universe with other beings. Photowall adds fuel to the fire with “Almost There”, and “Epifania” in its amazing collection of sci-fi landscapes wall murals. These unique examples of sci-fi landscapes wall murals showcase an artist’s interpretation of what he believes a fictional alien landscape and life form will look like. These sci-fi landscapes wall murals are, in part, inspired by the science fiction myths that have sprung up through the decades, about these questionable beings and their even more obscure origins. There is one that tells of the carcass of a dead alien being hidden by the American government in Hangar 18 of the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in the continental United States. Another is that of Area 51 in Nevada, where it is said that aliens made their landing to visit our earthly beings. These are just a few of the intriguing stories that will be inspired by these sci-fi landscapes wall murals.
Mesmerizing in sci-fi landscapes wall murals
The presence of these sci-fi landscapes wall murals in your home will not only spark controversy but lively and animated arguments as well, about the truth or fiction of these alien landscapes and planets. One such story is that, in the 1950s, the Soviets captured one of the life forms from these alien landscapes, and in their extensive study of it, the creature inadvertently taught them the mechanics of mind control. Another ember in the flame that these sci-fi landscapes wall murals will ignite is the long-standing legend that the pyramids of Giza, which were built by Hebrew slaves, were constructed under direct supervision and following the explicit designs of alien beings. It has recently been discovered that these ancient civilizations utilized mathematical and engineering precepts that were considered too advanced to be in common practice during these periods. Photowall’s classic collection of sci-fi landscapes wall murals, is the physical culmination of this need to bring popular science fiction myths into the confines of your home. Let these remarkable sci-fi landscapes wall murals remind us to take everything we accept as true with a grain of salt.
Enthralling and riveting
Modern-day science fiction enthusiasts have postulated that a creature that is not of this Earth, originating from an alien landscape, may come in the form of something as simple as a virus or as an electrical transmission. It is a psychological phenomenon called projection that makes us humans assume that aliens will look somehow like a version of us. Photowall encourages us to broaden our perceptions with its breathtaking collection of sci-fi landscapes wall murals. Hang these sci-fi landscapes wall murals in the hallways of your home or stack them in columns to create one of the quirkiest and most appealing artist’s pieces one could ever imagine. Display a few of these wonderful sci-fi landscapes wall murals on the walls of your dining room and there will be no end to the mealtime bickering and banter between you and your family. These sci-fi landscapes wall murals will blend perfectly with any color of wall or wallpaper you choose to backdrop them with. They are also manufactured from materials that are safe to exist inside your home, and safe to be around your children. Grab your own collection of these sci-fi landscapes wall murals today.