Background information in strawberry wall murals
The average strawberry has 200 seeds and an acre of land can grow about 50,000 pounds of strawberries. This is counterbalanced by the fact that once picked, these berry fruits do not ripen further. Since they can be grown in a lot of different environments, they are commonly referred to as the most popular berry fruit in the world. Just look at our array of strawberry wall murals and you will see why. Aside from being easy on the eyes, they also have numerous health benefits which we will dive into shortly. Their taste can be influenced by various factors such as the weather, their variety and ripeness when harvested. "Strawberry Fruits" is a strawberry wall mural that shows us the common idea we have when talking about this food. Imagine strawberry wall murals like these in your kitchen, the dining room or perhaps even the break room at the office. It will instantly give your interiors an appealing colour and inject new life into your wall decoration.
Tremendous impact
As you might already know, strawberries are really good for your health. They protect your heart, lower your blood pressure, and even guard against cancer! Use strawberry wall murals to live by this and relay the information to those close to you. Strawberries are packed with vitamins, fiber and particularly high levels of antioxidants known as polyphenols. Add to that that these berry fruits are a sodium-free, fat-free, cholesterol-free, low-calorie food. You will be amazed to know that a serving of about eight strawberries provides more vitamin C than an orange. Incorporate strawberries in your diet as much as you will integrate these strawberry wall murals in your wall decoration. Let pieces like "Strawberry and Text" inspire you to live healthy through the use of a vintage design coupled with the delicious strawberry as subject.
Strawberry wall murals and the subject's history
The origin of the name "strawberry" is actually quite contentions. Although the consensus is that it comes from the Old English streawberige, others claim that the practice of mulching strawberries with straw or finding them growing wild among hay or straw led to their name. There are also those that believe the name comes from the practice of selling the berries skewered on a piece of straw in open-air markets as a treat. Whatever the origin, strawberry wall murals can make the discussion fun, and you can share it with your family, friends and colleagues. Strawberries have been around for thousands of years, but they were only actively cultivated in Europe starting in the Renaissance period. Did you know that strawberries are native to North America? Nowadays, 75 percent of the North American crop is grown in the state of California. They even have strawberry festivals, with the first one dating back to 1850! Bring this awesome spirit into your interiors with Photowall's strawberry wall murals and see how they transform any room into a lively space.