Things to know
Gobi Desert, or simply Gobi as the locals call it, occupies almost 1,300,000 square kilometers across massive parts of both China and Mongolia, making it only second to the Arabian Desert in terms of size. One of the great natural wonders of Asia, Gobi is rich in culture and history, which we will come to later on. Gobi Desert wall murals are not just easy on the eyes, but also hold information that can educate you, your family and friends. Did you know for instance that Gobi is host to one of the most archaeological finds where it was discovered that Dinosaurs laid eggs? As a matter of fact, Gobi is largest dinosaur fossil reservoir in the world. You might not be able to tell immediately from Gobi Desert wall murals, but this region is where so many dinosaur fossils from the late Cretaceous period where found. The importance of this is that Cretaceous period was the last of the main three periods of the dinosaur age, which essentially means that Gobi was the home of the final phase of dinosaur evolution. This natural history alone already makes Gobi Desert wall murals such a unique focal point to have in your home or workplace.
History in Gobi Desert wall murals
As already mentioned, Gobi is a very important place in terms of world history as well. The Great Mongolian Empire was the largest contiguous land empire of the world ever, flourished in this desert along the Silk Road. One of their most ferocious and known leaders was Genghis Khan, of whom more than 16 million people can trace their lineage to. This is something that will blows the minds of people who will ask you why Gobi Desert wall murals are your choice of wall decor. Gobi was first introduced to Europeans in the 13th century by the famous explorer Marco Polo, whose writing started the fascination with the Orient. Gobi Desert wall murals can be classified as an extension of that particular fascination. The natural beauty and complex history of this place really bring such depth and meaning when used as the main theme in your interior design. Despite popular belief though, Gobi is not a lifeless desert like in many other parts of the world. In reality, most part of the Gobi Desert is a land of steppes and mountains that are teeming with wildlife and fauna.
Visual delight
In the desert part of Gobi though, you will find some absolutely stunning stretches like the Khongoryn sand dune. Being up to 12 kilometers wide, 180 kilometers long and rising to a maximum height of 300 meters, this sand dune is one of the biggest and most beautiful in the world. In Gobi Desert wall murals, you will find images of dunes like in "Desert Sand Dunes". If you did not know already, a dune is basically a mound of sand formed by the wind. They are formed when wind blows sand into a sheltered area behind an obstacle, where they grow as grains of sand accumulate. Every dune has a windward side and a slipface. The windward side is obviously the side where the wind is blowing and pushing grains up. The slip face is simply the side without, or minimal, wind. See which side is in the Gobi Desert wall mural "Desert Sand Foot Prints". This gorgeous image can really make your wall decoration pop, while adding a little bit of dynamism to your interiors. Gobi Desert wall murals will make your rooms stand out from the rest!