Elevating a room with painted wallpaper
Those who have dabbled in interior design or just plain old decorating know that surfaces and textures provide visual weight. Since most of us do not want our rooms to be nondescript, we often employ paint to give it colour and a theme, especially when it comes to living spaces which should be able to capture your attention and keep it there. Nonetheless, sometimes we outgrow the original paint we used, or something comes along that changes our mind and you want to repaint the space entirely. A painted wallpaper saves you the hassle and effort of doing that, being easily put up and also conveniently changeable. Painted wallpaper can raise the ocular heft within the walls of a space by an overall increase in the composition. A well-placed piece of texture creates the perceived sense of touch for whoever lays eyes on your interior decoration. With unique designs and affable colour schemes, you can use painted wallpaper to experiment and play around in your residential, recreational and even corporate interiors.
Calculated decorating
If you choose a design that adds depth and pattern, such as painted wallpaper, it will animate the room up and give it an ambience you are intending to create within your space. A great example of a painted wallpaper that does this is the piece entitled Tide Pool. At first glance it might seem abstract and all over the place, but the more you look at it, the more you get drawn it. The beautiful colour combinations evoke such a warmth and calm that it would look perfect in any living room. If you want to take it even one step further and place a contrasting texture directly against the a painted wallpaper which will definitely enhance the vista even more, you can go for something more subtle such as Daydream Neutral 01. The blending possibilities are vast in painted wallpaper, you just have to look what suits and speaks to you the most.
Painted wallpaper as contrast
If your design is modern, display a painted wallpaper like Bullfighter - Joan Miro to add just enough grain to play up the rest of the room's polished aura. Add a level of sophistication to a room by carefully choosing textures that will complement each other and bring out an aesthetic harmony, which painted wallpapers are the perfect tools for. Old Frayed Painted Wall with Bird is one of many items that capture that kind of decorative spirit, by combining different elements to round off other ornamental components. For a real splash of colour, painted wallpaper such as "When they go Right she Goes Left" is perfect. Even the workplace would benefit from this as studies have shown that great works of art increase productivity and output in an office. Explore the many options painted wallpaper provides for you and turn your walls into a beautiful focal point in any room.