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Happy Forest - Pastel Blue

Add something childlike to something chic, and you will get this Happy Forest - Pastel Blue Wallpaper. This wall art uses pastel colors, basic lines, and shapes to portray a forest landscape with little birds dwelling on the trees. Its fun drawing and cohesive shapes will create a light and airy vibe in many rooms in your residential and commercial spaces. A child-friendly interior design packed with sweetness and creativity The Happy Forest - Pastel Blue Wallpaper is a child-friendly décor. It presents a cartoon illustration of a forest covered in a powder blue color. These features give off a sense of innocence that is perfect for any nursery or toddler. The soft colors of the wall art are a perfect background for your child when they are drifting off to sleep or taking a break from playtime. It will naturally make your child feel at ease too. Another feature that makes this home decor perfect for your little ones is its blue and yellow combination. Pastel yellow and baby blue are a classic combination that creates a playful ambiance. The former represents happiness, while the latter will remind you of the calm blue skies. Together, they make playtime more comfortable. Lastly, because this baby blue wallpaper uses simple lines to present a fascinating forest landscape, it can aid your child’s creative process. It can inspire kids to draw using simple forms and strokes. Make a chic statement with the Happy Forest - Pastel Blue Wallpaper This wallpaper is packed with elements that make up the chic look: it is fresh, hip, and modern. So, although this cartoon wallpaper is child-friendly—it is not something you can quickly outgrow. That is especially true since many homeowners nowadays love chic interiors and pastel-inspired living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, and dining rooms. Using this wallpaper, you can achieve this feminine, stylish look because it brightens your surroundings and makes rooms effortlessly pretty, refreshing, and airy.

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1-3 zile lucrătoare
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Tapet (disponibil și ca pictură pe pânză, poster)
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  • Livrat în termen de 4-8 zile lucrătoare

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