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Combine cool art with historical content— and you will get the Liberty Wallpaper. This landmark wallpaper presents a retro graphic design of the statue of liberty. Other fun elements you will notice are the faded font style of New York City, the paint splatter effect, and the pops of yellows and oranges. Another exciting feature of this New York wall art is its background, a detailed map of New York. It comprises labels of streets, avenues, and other locations. Such elements will make your walls engaging, entertaining, and fun-filled.

An appealing and timeless inspiration for your interior design

The Liberty Wallpaper captures the appeal of a retro poster, bringing a sense of nostalgia and hinting at a popular trend from the past era. Vivid colors, stylish features, and innovative techniques characterize this gorgeous wall decal. Indeed, its beauty is timeless. So, it is not surprising that the world’s giant companies are using retro graphic design again for their marketing purposes. It shows that the trend is coming back and is here to stay. Hence, it is a clever and classic theme for your interior design.

Interior inspirations for the Liberty Wallpaper

Homeowners who love the 70s and 80s style will love this wallpaper. Nevertheless, it does not look utterly vintage due to its trendy art elements. In other words, something about this wallpaper hints at pop art. Such an appearance will help you achieve a retro interior design. Retro combines old fashion and funky details. So, consider incorporating funky patterns, colorful prints, and some vintage inspiration. If you want a total retro makeover, some home décor ideas are neon signs, nostalgic decors like vinyl records and phonographs, bright pillows, patterned rugs or shag carpets, multicolored tables, and the like. Nevertheless, you can also opt for a more modern style using this wallpaper. You can pair it with white furniture and pink, blue, and brown accents. Also, choose home decorations with clean lines and geometric shapes. Ottomans, sofas, velvet, and silk can also make your home interior look more modern.

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Se expediază în:
1-3 zile lucrătoare
Tip produs:
Tapet (disponibil și ca pictură pe pânză, poster)
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  • Include mostre din toate materialele noastre
  • Livrat în termen de 4-8 zile lucrătoare

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