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Savannah Jive

Capture the beauty of wildlife with the Savannah Jive Wallpaper. It proves that the savanna sustains a vast number of diverse animals. Apart from the stunning animals roaming around the dry woodland, there are also various tropical plants and beautiful green acacias in this nature wall art. It is ideal for homeowners who want to create a child-friendly interior, bring an adventurous theme to their home interior, or incorporate a wildlife style into their interior design.

Brightening your home interior with wildlife

You will notice that the Savannah Jive Wallpaper uses increased brightness to increase its visual weight. Such an effect makes the open tree canopy look like it is under the blazing sunlight. Consequently, it will brighten and bring warmth to any room. Further, the high contrast of this beautiful savanna portrait makes it attention-grabbing. It can be a picturesque background in your living room or dining room, especially since nature is always a unique yet safe room inspiration for your common areas. On another note, the gorgeous illustration of the woodland-grassland setting makes this wallpaper stand out. Animals seem to be in action, and the day looks sunny and energetic. Indeed, it will make your interiors lively and fun.

Home decorating with Savannah Jive Wallpaper

Display your love for adventure and animals with an interior design that matches this landscape wallpaper: safari theme. Tables, bedframes, and other furniture made of bamboo will look great with this interior style. Wood blinds, rattan chairs, large plants, animal-inspired décor, tribal prints, and animal prints are also safari home décor ideas that will make your interior design gorgeous and stylish. Color-wise, choose earthy tones, such as red, orange, green, yellow, brown, and tan. To master the safari interior design, you can add sculptures inspired by animals living in the savanna, like elephants, lions, rhinos, or buffalo. This theme will look incredible in your living room. It will also make your bedroom, bathroom, and dining room inviting and restful; natural materials and animal inspiration create a sense of comfort and genuineness.

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  • Livrat în termen de 4-8 zile lucrătoare

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1-3 zile lucrătoare
Tip produs:
Tapet (disponibil și ca pictură pe pânză, poster)
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  • Imprimat pe Premium Matte
  • Vedeți motivul complet și un prim-plan detaliat
  • Include mostre din toate materialele noastre
  • Livrat în termen de 4-8 zile lucrătoare

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