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Have a brave home interior through this clear image of a stealth tiger on a river. Its magnificent piercing stare is visible in this Tiger Wallpaper that successfully displays this strong creature's marvelous colors of black stripes, white, and golden hues. If you or someone you know loves the adventure of the wild and safari, then having this wallpaper is your best choice. This actual image on the wallpaper makes it interesting and exciting to view inside any room of your home, whether your bedroom, living room, dining room, or even your office. Give your home interior a timeless glamour with Tiger Wallpaper Animal-themed home interiors or wallpapers make a great accent wall in your space. If your area looks dull and lacks motivation, this wallpaper inside will automatically transform it into a big roar. The dark hue of the water surrounding the tiger makes its image appear more vibrant and lets it have the floor show off its glamour throughout the area. Also, it not only makes your space look unique but also makes your room look more spacious and sleek because it hides the corners of the wall. What goes well with Tiger Wallpaper Since this wallpaper is composed of dark hues, partnering it with vibrant ones is an excellent idea that can lead to an exceptional result. The color white can add and reflect illumination inside a room to balance the colors present inside; having this color around the other walls or floor can help the wallpaper avoid appearing gloomy and dark. Adding other animal-printed objects like pillows and rugs can elevate the safari theme that the wallpaper has. The inclusion of lamps can add illumination inside your room, especially if it has warm light. Portraits and artworks are better if framed with black color to make the details of such accessories appear more and blend well with the whole look of the room interior.

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Despre produs:

Drepturi de autor:
Cynthie Fischer
Se expediază în:
1-3 zile lucrătoare
Tip produs:
Tapet (disponibil și ca pictură pe pânză, poster)
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  • Imprimat pe Premium Matte
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  • Include mostre din toate materialele noastre
  • Livrat în termen de 4-8 zile lucrătoare

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