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Voguish Wall Panel - Green

Enter an 18th-century room by surrounding yourself with a classic wall design that was widespread over two centuries ago. The Voguish Wall Panel-Green Wallpaper is a textured wall art that looks like dark wood with a series of rectangular frames. Its clean patterns and smooth surface carry a minimalist but warm beauty that can suit almost any room. Also, this wall art’s vintage architectural details can add visual interest to any room in your residential, commercial, or corporate spaces.

Bringing the original beauty of the 18th century into your home interior

This wooden surface wall decal mimics the beauty of a wainscot wall. Wooden wainscoting was popular during the 18th century. European affluent families commonly used it due to its aesthetic appeal. This Voguish Wall Panel-Green Wallpaper will make you feel like you are walking around an old luxurious office or home interior. Homeowners who want to create a traditional ambiance in their space will admire this wallpaper. Apart from its antique aesthetic, this vintage wooden wall background will also bring a warm atmosphere to your room because of its dark wood tone. It looks chic and moody, which creates a nostalgic and cozy ambiance. Its dim shades are a perfect background for your bedroom. On the other hand, its dark and classic look suits formal settings. So, consider installing it in your office, workspace, and library. Lastly, its elegant architectural details will make your living room, dining room, and other shared spaces timeless and tasteful.

Home décor ideas for the Voguish Wall Panel-Green Wallpaper

Wainscoting is versatile and will never go out of style. It goes well with decorative pieces and works well with various interior design themes. When decorating with wood tones, create a sense of cohesion by matching your home décor and interior designs with one dominant wood tone. You do not have to stick with one color. Just stick to a cool or warm style to make your room more aesthetic and consistent. Since this vintage wallpaper has a lot of warm undertones, the colors that will work well with it are orange, red, mahogany, cream, tan, and warm golden yellow. Lastly, you can create a vintage interior using this Voguish Wall Panel-Green Wallpaper.

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