Industrial in oil rigs canvas prints
Only a little more than a century ago, mankind was not aware that oil could be found under the Earth. The whaling industry was the primary source of oil that served infrastructure and industry all over the world. The value of whale oil dictated the markets of the day. In the 1930s, the Saudis explored their deserts in search of water, they found oil instead. And so began the race for possession of the vast oil fields in the Middle East. Photowall lets you in on the history with “Oil Workers and Pipes in Sunset” in its fine line of oil rigs canvas prints. This image shows us how the day begins in most of the oil rigs in the world. Hang a few of these oil rigs canvas prints in your private study or mini-library, and imagine you are one of the pioneering prospectors of this valuable mineral. You can also display these oil rigs canvas prints in your hallways to give this neglected area a boost of life and activity. Make the act of traversing from room to room into a journey of prospecting with these oil rigs canvas prints.
Streamlined in oil rigs canvas prints
The Wahabi Muslims, who are traditionalist radicals in Saudi Arabia, strongly opposed the ties made by the Royal Family to the industrial countries in the West. They firmly believed that the decadence brought about by the abundance of oil money has greatly corrupted the values of their leaders and was an affront to Islam itself. But despite the acts of rebellion and terror they have committed over the years, the oil industry remains as dynamic and lucrative as ever. Photowall shows us the backstory with “Petroleum Morning” in its amazing collection of oil rigs canvas prints. This image features one of the biggest oil rigs and petroleum refineries in the world. Hang these oil rigs canvas prints in your recreation room to give the space an air of industry and progress. Playing your grown-up amusements will never be as much fun as when you have these oil rigs canvas prints around you. You may even wish to display these oil rigs canvas prints in your lounging areas to serve as a strong visual reassurance that this black gold is in no danger of being depleted anytime soon.
Mechanized and modern
The Spratly Islands in the South Pacific have been the cause of tension and controversy for decades. This is due to the fact that these islands are speculated to contain underground oil reserves seventeen times larger than those in the Middle East. There is currently a mad scramble for possession of these islands and their oil among the countries that are closest to them. War is an imminent threat if these current tensions are not resolved. The United Nations has already assembled a working committee to assess the question of ownership of these islands. Photowall keeps you up to date with these oil rigs canvas prints. Hang a few of these oil rigs canvas prints in your dining room, and observe as the conversation quickly gravitates to the subject of oil and its effect on the world economy. You may also wish to display these oil rigs canvas prints atop your bed, in your sleeping quarters, and feel as though you are closing your eyes on an exotic oil-rich desert. Your dreams will be filled with images of wealth and prosperity with these oil rigs canvas prints in your bedroom. Let these images be a mainstay in your home.