Color wheel ideas – learn from the masters
The color wheel has been used in different fields for generations. It has been widely used in the field of interior design to help in designing and decorating the home interior. There are likewise different color systems associated with it that is also of great importance in color harmony and space.
Color systems and their importance
Color system is the system used on how we produce colors. These systems are used to properly create colors that may be harmonious with each other. It is known that color is widely used in all aspects of discipline as well as life. One can easily claim that life without color seems like to be incredibly difficult. The different color systems were designed such that professionals in various fields as well as ordinary people will be able to use and create colors without that much difficulty. Here are the different color wheel systems that are used in various fields and the basis of the colors that we have today:
1. Munsell system – created by Professor Albert H. Munsell, the system is a color space that specifies color based on three dimensions, which are hue, value and chroma. These three dimensions are represented in the three-dimensional color model. This model was then adapted by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for their soil research in 1930s. The Munsell system was the first one to separate the three color dimensions. Hue is the actual color such as red, blue, green, and others; value is the lightness and darkness of certain colors; and chroma is how weak or strong the colors are. The system was then appreciated by the scientific community and was invited in various scientific meetings in England, France and Germany to present his system.
2. Ostwald system – the system in colorimetry that was developed by Wilhelm Ostwald and focuses more on hue, black and white. The keyword in his color system is harmony. It is the experience of many that color combinations may not be appropriate in certain cases, or they may blend also in certain instances. With this problem encountered in various fields, Ostwald developed a system showing that harmony is created by what is called color-order. He likewise introduced the concept of “full color”, which means a color which permitted the sensation of one single color tone and do not have any combination with white or black.
3. DIN system – DIN stands for ScheduleInstitute für Normung (German Standards Institute), claimed that there is a need for a more practical color system as compared to the Ostwald system. The objective of this system is to create a system which encompasses color hue, saturation and brightness, equidistantly as possible. Nowadays, the DIN system uses the three variables: DIN color-hue, DIN saturation and DIN darkness and these three provide the coordinates for the three dimensional systems of non self-luminating colors.
4. Küpper system –this system is developed by the German engineer, Harald Küpper, has published an atlas which contains 5,500 different shades. The colors in the atlas were produced by the technique of mixing the four transparent dyes which are yellow, magenta, cyan and black with white paper as the background. This system is represented as a three dimensional space such as a cube and a rhombohedric shape which is constituted by upper tetrahedron, central octahedron and a lower tetrahedron. In the rhomboidal model, white is in the upper vertex of the upper tetrahedron and cyan, yellow and magenta are at the base. The base is likewise one of the faces of the central octahedron. The lower triangular face of the octahedron has the colors green, red and blue. The lower vertex of the lower tetrahedron holds the color black.
The Problems with Color
In interior design, color is one of the key elements to transform your home interior into something dynamic and appealing to all. It also affects the mood of the person who are occupying the space. Actually, there are many good reasons why we use color in the house. How we use and apply colors in the house also is one great deal when it comes to interior designing. It is usually said that the colors should be appropriate in many ways. There are times that the colors applied in the home interior may not look cool at all because of the mistake of using a different color or even a different shade of a certain color. For instance, the color blue has many shades that can be used and a different shade of blue used may have a different impact to the totality of the interior.
Color wheel and the different color systems may help immensely in determining the appropriate color for the whole home interior. It is a matter of balance and harmony when using colors. Of course, we do not want our interior to look like a collage, so the use and application of the color wheel and color systems will provide us with the best decision in choosing and using the appropriate colors so that the interior will look appealing to your and the family members. Not to mention the guests who will be visiting you.