Colors and their effects in humans
Color is described as a visual perception and described in various color categories. Many researches have found out that when eyes connect with color, the brain release various chemicals that have effects on the physical and emotional level. This is one of the reasons why many branding and advertisements study the different color palette before using them in their respective products. For instance, the color orange is widely used in many eateries or restaurants since the color has an effect to the appetite of individuals. Red brings out the masculinity, that is why many men products are in color red so that males would be enticed in buying them. In addition to these, color therapy has been widely used in traditional healing professions for many years.
In interior design, the use of colors is vital in decorating the home. It is one of the key factors in making a home vibrant and attractive. Not to mention the mood the colors exhibit in your homes. Many individuals spend their lives living in safe colors such as black, clue, crown and gray. More often than not, they are missing the health benefits of using bright and warm colors. So why confine yourselves in safe colors when you can bring out the best in you in warm colors.
Warm Colors and their Effects to the Body
Colors in the red area in the color spectrum are known as warm colors which include red, orange and yellow. These warm colors have a wide range effect to the psychology and physiology of humans. For instance, these colors evoke emotions which range from the feeling of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility. Think of the warm colors as stimulants of the body that likewise makes the individual happy. In contrast with the colors at the blue side of the color spectrum, which are considered to be “cool colors”. These include blue, purple and green, wherein they were described to be calm but can also bring a feeling of sadness and indifference. That is why the feeling of sadness is often times called “feeling blue”.
Here are the warm colors and their significance to the human behavior:
1. Red – this color has the longest wavelength. It is said that red is a powerful color and that it grabs the attention first compared with other colors. This is the reason why red is used in stoplights since it evokes physical and psychological response once it is seen. Positive effects of this color include courage, strength, warmth, energy, stimulation and excitement. However, certain negative effect to humans were also observed, such as resistance and aggression. It was also observed that red can stimulate the body and mind to increase circulation which in turn increases the distribution of oxygen to the cells making them active and therefore the release of metabolic waste products is also increased.
2. Yellow – the wavelength is relatively long and stimulating. In psychology, yellow is considered to be the strongest color. The right shade of yellow can lift the spirit and the self esteem. Likewise, it promotes confidence and optimism. However, this color can also bring out the negative side of the person by promoting the feeling of irrationality, fear, depression, and anxiety.
3. Orange – it is the combination of red and yellow, this color is stimulating and it influences both the physical and emotional aspects in humans. Basically the color influences the mind on the things that would comfort us physically and emotionally such as the basic human needs: food, warmth, shelter as well as sensuality. It is considered to be a “fun” color. However, the opposite may happen if the color is not used properly. Feelings such as deprivation, frustration, and lightheartedness.
In general, warm colors are stimulating colors. In the body, once it is stimulated, it also means that certain body functions are likewise increased, particularly the blood flow. Once the blood is properly circulating, it promotes cell growth and organ function. Likewise, the increase in blood flow, helps the body in fighting off pathogens such as bacteria and virus. It also improves the function of the brain keeping the mind sharp and focused. Once your body is working properly, then positive emotions flow in to your body, making you a happy and cheerful individual.