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Three simple and creative ways to spice up a kid's room with wallpaper

Here are three nice and simple DIY ideas that you can easily do to spice up a kid's room with very little effort. Anna María shows you three simple ways to make changes in a kid's room without redecorating. In our step by step guide, learn how to create a hanging decoration for the wall from wallpaper, a month board and how you can easily redecorate a dolls' house.

Stylish hanging decoration for a kid's room


Time Required:
About 1 hour

Mobiles and hanging decorations can be created in many different ways. Working with wallpaper is both simple and neat. In the video below I show you how you can turn a piece of wallpaper into a lovely hanging mobile that is great for a kid's room. Photowall has several different wallpapers that are perfect for the purpose. Make sure to choose a wallpaper where you can cut out the entire design. For a kid's room there are many great ones to choose from, with animals that are perfect for this type of DIY. Galapagos Blue, Galapagos Green, Fish Pattern, Zoo, Retro Zoo, Bird from Peppercookies, Sea Monsters from Petit Griffin are a few examples of designs that would work.

What you will need:

● Wallpaper with pictures/figures that can be cut out - I have used Galapagos Blue.
● Round rod
● Twine
● Fishing line
● Wooden balls
● Scissors
● Glue stick
● Hole punch

DIY - Wall Hanging for Kids

Creative a month board for the whole year


Time Required:
approx. 15 min

When I was little and at kindergarten, we had a month board hanging in the big playroom. The board was a lovely illustration with a picture of the current month and the month's name written on the picture. At the end of every month, all the children came together in a ring and during a small ceremony (where we children had to close our eyes), the teachers "conjured up" the new month. I remember always being incredibly impressed with this magic, that a picture board could sense which month it was and change shape accordingly. Now that I've grown up, I know that the board had twelve pictures and they just flipped through them to the correct month. But there is still something magical about this. It will fit nicely into a kid's room.

So, since Photowall has so many wallpapers that can have a connection with different months, I thought, of course, that I just had keep the tradition going with the month board. Here, you can choose exactly the design that you want. You need twelve designs, one for each month. One tip is to use the search function, where you can enter the season, colours or the type of design you are after. Then just select twelve pictures. I came up with a little extra for the black and white Moomin designs.

What you will need:

● 12 designs
● Picture Frame (mine is 30x40 cm)
● Print out of the names of the months (download our template here)
● Glue stick
● Scissors
● Ruler, scalpel or scissors for cutting or snipping out the design.

Start by cutting or snipping out your design. With a scalpel and ruler you'll get perfectly straight edges. 

When you have cut out all the designs, download our template, print and cut out every month. Of course, you can also make your own signs for the months and print them, or if you have a steady hand, you can draw them directly on the wallpaper. Let your creativity flow!

Glue the months to your twelve designs. Allow to dry and then frame with your picture frame. Put the months in order so it will be easy to "conjure up" the next month when it's time. If the wallpaper is a little white and you have a dark design (like this) it can show through, so either you can put some heavy white paper between them to hide it, or just turn the image so they are back to back.

So, your month board is now ready and all you have to do is hang it up on the wall in the kid's room.

Create a beautiful, unique and personal doll's house with wallpaper

Quite easy.

Time Required:
approx. 30 min.

What would you say if I said it was possible to wallpaper ten rooms in a morning? You might possibly laugh at me, but it's true! Ten rooms in a dolls' house, of course! It's true, there is something lovely about a small miniature world. And, of course, that the miniature world has lovely wallpaper on the walls. Something that every kid's room should have! A perfect project for wallpaper samples and offcuts left over after a project. Were you aware that you can order samples of all the Photowall wallpapers? You'll get a sample piece that is large as an A4 to see what the pattern looks like, and to feel the quality. As well as that, it is also perfect for redecorating a dolls' house.

What you will need:

● Wallpaper for all your rooms.
● Dolls' house, a peepshow or similar (an old shoe box works well too!)
● Wallpaper paste (when you buy custom-made wallpaper, it comes with adhesive)
● Brush
● Scissors
● Possibly some blank sheets of A4 paper to make a template

Start by making a template of the walls to be papered, then you can test that the pieces are large enough before you cut out the real wallpaper.

Draw the templates on the wallpaper and cut out all the parts. Brush a layer of wallpaper paste directly onto the wall in the doll's house, making sure to spread an even layer over the whole wall. Attach the wallpaper to the wall and spread with your finger, so that you remove any air bubbles, and so that the wallpaper is even.

Wallpaper all the rooms in the dolls' house. Then just move in!

Here's hoping you got some inspiration and ideas for things you can do in a kid's room!

Anna María Larsson is a creator, inspirator and DIY professional. She is of the firm opinion that everyone is creative and can come up with ideas; it only requires a little training. She appears on a regular basis on TV, holds workshops and gives lectures. She shares what she creates and offers inspiration with her blog and Instagram account @dnilva.

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