Different types
Although it can be debated, international cuisine has 7 major components that the majority of people are familiar with and actually have tasted. Depending on where you are on the globe, your preference might vary but it can be said that arguably the most known and global is Italian. You will definitely see why in international cuisine wall murals. Italian cuisine is more than just pasta and cheese though. Italian dishes vary so much because they come from so many diverse regions where there is an emphasis on local ingredients that are fresh, giving each that distinct flavor. You can go from one region to another, tasting the same named dish and still tell that there is a big difference, even though both are absolutely delicious. The same notion goes for international cuisine wall murals because you can put them up in different interiors, and they will still have the exact visual impact with incredible texture. Going back, the other cuisines that are in top tier globally are French, Japanese, Turkish, Thai, Indian and Chinese. Most of these are present wherever you are, in one way or the other.
International cuisine wall murals sample
As alluded to, the main player in international cuisine wall murals is Italian. The simple titled "Pesto" showcases one of the most known Italian dishes in the world. Did you know that the word "pesto" is the past tense of the Genoese verb "pestare", which means "to crush"? You cannot yet see the typically bright green sauce in this international cuisine wall mural, you will undoubtedly remember it from consuming it before. As the name implies, this dish originated in Genoa, Italy and is made by crushing the ingredients with a mortar and pestle, hence the moniker. If you closely at our international cuisine wall murals, you will see in the cited sample that the usual ingredient are there. See if you can find pine nuts, basil, garlic, olive oil and Parmesan cheese in this little charmer. International cuisine wall murals like this can look good wherever you put them up, especially in a dining area.
Placing international cuisine wall murals
Speaking of dining, image looking at your international cuisine wall murals while having a meal at home or in the workplace. How about the international cuisine wall mural "Pesto" for lunch, for example? The word "lunch" is actually an abbreviation from the more formal Northern English word "luncheon". This in turn also comes from an Anglo-Saxon for "noon drink". This is something that can easily be shared with family and friends who will wonder about the attractive focal point that you have in your domain. International cuisine wall murals can be the perfect gift to give a family member or friend that can be considered a foodie. As the items are also affable and child-friendly, perhaps giving it to a kid can turn them into future chefs.