Carrot wall murals colourful history
Most of you are probably unaware that carrots originated in Iran and were first domesticated in Asia all the way back in the 10th century! It took almost another two centuries to reach Europe, and even then it was in a limited capacity. The subject you see in carrot wall murals, the orange kind, came to fruition in the 17th century as a product of the Dutch employing a cultural selection process. As the carrots craze spread throughout Europe, it eventually made its way to the United States of America. It has to be noted though that the theme of carrot wall murals was already present in other parts of the world though. It was already present in the Middle East and North Africa as early as the 1000s, since it also believed that the first cultivation of carrots took place in what is now Afghanistan. As you can tell by now, the storied past of carrot wall murals is almost like a trip around the world.
Various types
While there are said to be more than 20 species of carrots around the globe, we have decided to focus on the four main categories in carrot wall murals. The first one is the so-called Imperator, which has very long roots of up to 25 centimeters and are the preferred choice for fresh eating. See if you can spot it in carrot wall murals. The second type is the Danvers carrot, which is the one that probably spring to your mind when you think of this vegetable. As you can see in carrot wall murals, these are the "classic" carrots with pointed ends and rounded "shoulders". Their trademark is, of course, their deep orange colour and excellent flavor. The third type is Nantes carrots, which are arguably more aesthetically pleasing due to their almost cylindrical look. Last but not the least are the Chantenay carrots, which was introduced in the late 1800s. You might not be able to glimpse it in carrot wall murals but it is still the industry standard for freezing and canning up to this day.
Healthy with carrot wall murals
One cannot discuss carrots without its numerous health benefits. Displaying carrot wall murals in your interiors will remind you and teach others that this vegetable can boast of a wealth of antioxidants and so much more. We all have heard at some point in our lives that carrots are good for your eyes since they are rich in beta-carotene, which is a previously mentioned compound your body changes into vitamin A. This vitamin in the vegetables in carrot wall murals helps keep your eyes healthy, protecting it from the sun and decreases the risk of things like cataracts. Further health benefits of carrot consumption includes lowering the risk of cancer, strengthening the heart, boosting your immune system, bone strengthening, constipation aid and controlling diabetes. These are some of the important things you can share with family and friends when discussing your carrot wall murals.