The benefits of basketball canvas prints
One of the main reasons why the sport has become so popular is that it can be played by anyone, anywhere, much like football. All you need is a ball and a hoop, as you can see in basketball canvas prints. Take note though that unlike football, in basketball is really helps if you are tall or at least physically dominant. Nowadays there are courts in nearly every city and town across the world, making it a sport that millions of people can enjoy. Basketball canvas prints also showcase that although it is a team sport, it also showcases individual talent heavily, like in dunks and three-point shootouts. High-level individual talent on the basketball court makes the game very exciting to watch. Furthermore, this ball sport is great exercise and physical activity that teaches discipline, teamwork and a healthy lifestyle. Bring these traits into your rooms with our fantastic selection of basketball canvas prints.
History lesson
Basketball was invented by James Naismith in Springfield, Massachusetts. In the year 1891 he was asked to come up with an indoor game that caused fewer injuries than the classic American football. He eventually came up with a 9-on-9 game that involved shooting a ball into a so-called peach basket. The fruits of that endeavor can now be seen in basketball canvas prints. Nowadays, of course, it is played 5 versus 5 or 3 versus 3. The objective remains the same though, where the winner of a basketball game is the team with the most points, scored by throwing the basketball through the opponent's hoop or basket. Although the rules and regulations vary, the premise is pretty much the same. The ball cannot go out of bounds, and you cannot double-dribble, meaning the ball can only bounce once while you are tapping it across the court. There are also fouls and substitutions, but a typical game really looks like the basketball canvas print named "Basketball in the Streets of Los Angeles, California". This basketball canvas print is really gorgeous and typical.
More basketball canvas prints
When people talk about this sport, there is one particular player that really stands out among the generations. Michael "Air" Jordan is one of the greatest athletes to have ever lived, with a competitive streak in him that is unrivalled in basketball. Bring out your inner "His Airness" with our array of basketball canvas prints. Imagine yourself being at the end of the basketball canvas print named "Goal". Children will be inspired and delighted to have these basketball canvas prints in their bedrooms, playpens and study areas, even. Motivate them to participate in this sport for health benefits and to socialize. These basketball canvas prints are the perfect means to lead your children to a healthier disposition.