Intended in love & togetherness canvas prints
There is an ancient legend that tells us that all living things were once split in half and thrown to the four corners of the Earth. And we spend our entire existence looking for our missing half. And only when we are reunited, can we claim ourselves to be truly whole and complete. From the Book of Genesis, where man and woman were created by God, not only to co-exist but to support and complement each other, the idea of another half has always appealed to the warmer side of human nature. In the tale of Noah’s ark, the great boat-builder was admonished to load all animals of the land, sea, and air in pairs, never to allow them to live in solitude as a single entity, but always as a couple. These love & togetherness canvas prints remind us that needing someone in our lives is not a sign of weakness but of strength. Photowall gives you “Giraffes Kissing” in its fine line of love & togetherness canvas prints. These images of giraffes showing great affection for each other clearly show us how bonding is not an exclusively human experience.
Destined in love & togetherness canvas prints
Children have always brought joy and light into our lives. Their very presence livens up a home and gives everybody a sense of purpose. From the family unit to society in general, our main goal in life is to protect and nurture our young, as they represent our one true hope for the future. Photowall pays homage to the unfathomable love of a mother for her child with “Echo and Ebony” in its amazing collection of love & togetherness canvas prints. This particular image in love & togetherness canvas prints showcases the unseverable bond that exists between a parent and her offspring. Adorn the walls of your playroom, recreational spaces, and just about every other room in the house with these vibrant love & togetherness canvas prints, and you’ll be rewarded with the smiles and laughter of your young ones. Made of superior quality materials, these love & togetherness canvas prints are not only fun to look at, they are safe for your kids as well. And with the almost limitless choices of images to choose from, there will never be a boring room in the house. Your family will spend many hours marveling in awe and excitement at these colorful and vivid love & togetherness canvas prints. Letting them choose a design of their own will be part of the fun.
Fated and linked
Le barde, William Shakespeare, a un jour écrit L'amour n'est pas l'amour qui s'altère quand il s'altère trouve ou se plie avec le dissolvant pour se dissoudre. Cette phrase fait référence à la loyauté et à la dévotion totale qui caractérisent tous les êtres vivants partageant une allégeance éternelle l'un envers l'autre. Dans sa pièce immortelle Roméo et Juliette, ces amants maudits vont jusqu'à la tragédie et la mort pour prouver leur passion l'un pour l'autre. Il n'est donc pas étonnant que cette émotion fondamentale ait été le moteur de presque toutes les actions capitales, merveilleuses ou terribles, de l'histoire de notre univers. Le grand général Napoléon Bonaparte a montré son côté tendre lorsqu'il a écrit ses poèmes d'amour pour sa bien-aimée Joséphine. Non content de cela, il lui fit cadeau de mille fontaines pour son anniversaire. Le Taj Mahal en Inde, qui est l'une des plus belles structures du monde, est un hommage à la dévotion éternelle d'un roi pour sa reine perdue. Marie et Joseph, peut-être le couple le plus significatif du monde, seraient les parents biologiques de Jésus-Christ. Alors dépêchez-vous de prendre votre part de ces impressions sur toile de l'amour et de l'unité dès aujourd'hui.