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Mystery is a powerful tool even when it comes to something like interior design. One of the best ways to incorporate this is to utilize one of the most mysterious birds in the world aRead mores your focal point. Unique designs and fantastic colours await when you acquire owls wallpaper courtesy of Photowall. Known to be symbolic of wisdom, these birds of prey have been used in the academic world as well as popular culture. Lovable or spooky, owls wallpaper will make an immediate visual impact on your surroundings. With over 200 species living on every continent except Antarctica, owls are a familiar if enigmatic presence. Their super-tuned senses that help them hunt prey all over the world are also a plus factor in our fascination. They are pretty darn cute too, if we may add. Use owls wallpaper to upgrade the facades of your residential, recreational or yes, even corporate space. There is something for everyone in owls wallpaper. You can also always modify them to match, or contrast, with your planned interior design style.

A popular animal

Practically every one knows an owl from popular culture, whether it is from books or the movies. Hedwig, for instance, who is Harry Potter’s faithful feathered friend and messenger boy. This snowy owl is a popular choice especially among kids and something similar can be seen in owls wallpaper like "Royal Forester II", a simple but elegant portrait. Then there is Owl, Winnie the Pooh‘s friend who always tries to give good advice, even though he is a bit of a know-it-all! "Owls Pattern" is an owls wallpaper that reflects this characterization, a gorgeously emotive image that is alluring and mysterious at the same time. This is the beauty of Photowall's owls wallpaper, it combines the child-friendly appeal and the sphinx-like charm of these birds into one beautiful category.

Symbolic owls wallpaper

Some say that an owl is to the night as an eagle is to the day. This is why owls wallpaper are so popular and can look great practically anywhere. Owls are generally a symbol of paranormal wisdom, regal silence and fierce intelligence. This is because they are both great thinkers and hunters, since they prefer to plan out their strategies instead of using brute force. These birds have been popular since ancient times because they show up in Egyptian hieroglyphs and the 30,000-year-old cave paintings in France. In Japan, for example, there are even owl cafés, where you can hang out with owls while drinking tea! Owls wallpaper like "Leaf Owl Large" can generate the same kind of feeling because of the superb symmetry and composition. Just imagine coming home from a long day at work and relaxing to such a beautifully even sight.

Great hunter

Despite their affable appearance, owls are actually quite the hunters due to their greatly enhanced senses. Instead of spherical eyeballs, owls have "eye tubes" that go far back into their skulls which means their eyes are fixed in place, so they have to turn their heads to see. The size of their eyes helps them see in the dark, and they are far-sighted, which allows them to spot prey from yards away. Although the items in owls wallpaper are more on the quirky side, this is still useful information. One more thing though, it is actually a myth that owls can rotate their heads 360 degrees. The birds can turn their necks 135 degrees in either direction, which gives them 270 degrees of total movement. Bone adaptations, blood vessels with contractile reservoirs, and a supporting vascular network allow the owls to turn their heads that far without cutting off blood to the brain. You can share this information with family, friends and colleagues when they admire your owls wallpaper by Photowall like "Hornstull Owls", for instance.
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