Groundwork in arches canvas prints
In its simplest form, an arch is an architectural form that controls the pressure from the weight of a building in a specific way. The arch directs pressure downwards and outwards, creating a strong passage underneath it that has the ability to support heavy structures, as you will notice in plenty of arches canvas prints. The central feature of an arch is the so-called keystone, or the wedge-shaped stone at the very top of the arch. It is the last stone placed during construction, locking all the other stones of the arch into position. See if you can spot it in our various examples of arches canvas prints. Even though the keystone bears almost no weight, it is the center of redirecting the weight of the structure down and outwards. A series of rounded arches side by side is called an arcade. In arches canvas prints, you will find precedents of this in both real-life photography, as well as stunning works of art.
Short history lesson
We have already mentioned the Romans making the most out of arches, but you should know that it was first used in the Mediterranean world by those in Mesopotamia, Greece, Persia and of course, ancient Italy. While these cultures had the arch, they rarely used it except for underground tunnels and drainage systems, where the force of the earth around it provided natural reinforcement. "Crypt Scene" is a perfect example of an arches canvas print that illustrates this. While the Romans learned the arch from the Etruscans of Tuscany, they were also the ones who first learned and experimented in how to use arches in the construction of bridges, aqueducts and buildings. Arches canvas prints are thus not just for the eyes, but also a remnant of human ingenuity and your personal appreciation of history.
Take a tour with arches canvas prints
The massive influence of the Romans can be felt throughout this collection of arches canvas prints. From the world-famous mausoleum in "Tajmahal" to the iconic scenery of "Sunset in Berlin", there is plenty for you to choose from. The universal beauty of arches can transport you to the exotic wonders of the East, as well as spellbind you with the architectural beauties of the West. You even have the luxury of creating a whole series of arches canvas prints to display in your residential, recreational or even corporate space. Imagine the gasps of admiration your family and friends will let out when they see these impressive architectural wonders. Arches canvas prints are the wall decor upgrade you have been searching for!