Advantages of typographical maps posters
Since we cannot always go on that trip abroad that we want, these typographical maps posters are a fun way to add some
style to your décor and take a trip around the world. Paintings of either the whole world or specific countries, with
their respective cities and nations printed across them in creative typography are eye-catching, visually appealing and
elegant. To give you some background information, typography is essentially the art of arranging letters and text in a
way that makes the copy legible, clear and visually appealing to the reader. This involves font style, appearance and
structure, which is intended to elicit certain emotions and convey specific messages. To make a long story short and
concise, typography is what brings the text to life. Typographical maps posters by Photowall will do the same for your
room. Whether it is the home, office or any other space you wish to revamp, these motifs are the ideal decoration tool at
your disposal.
Basic elements
There are a couple of elements that are vital to typography. First and foremost is the combined components named typeface
and fonts. A typeface is a family of related fonts, while fonts refer to the weights, widths and styles that constitute a
typeface. Contrast is another vital factor since it helps to convey which ideas or message to be emphasized to the
readers. You will see plenty of this in typographical maps posters. Another important thing to consider when using these
items is consistency, as it the key to avoiding a confusing and messy interface. In typographical maps posters, take note
of white space. This is the area around text or graphics which also affects typographical hierarchy. These two combine to
aim at creating a clear distinction between prominent pieces that should be noticed and read first, and standard text
copy. As you will also see in typographical maps posters, colour is one of the most exciting elements because this is
where you can really get creative and elevate the interior design to a whole new level.
Typographical maps posters for the kids
Photowall's typographical maps posters category offers a lot of items that are highly recommended for children's or kids'
rooms. Animated, educational and gorgeous, these motifs will make their spaces even more lively, fun and interesting.
Geography is not always a popular subject among the younger folks, but it is so important especially in these global
times. Have a typographical maps poster that can teach your child, or children, the different parts of the world and it
will make them more curious for learning and expanding their own horizons. Typographic Text World Map is a concrete
example of this, but perhaps something more for the older kids or even teenagers. Crazy World is a typographical maps
poster that could delight the younger children and make them invested in the fascinating subject of geography and the
whole world.