Louvre wall murals and history
Did you know that this fantastic building featured in Louvre wall murals has been standing on the River Seine for more than 800 years? It was first built as a medieval fortress by the crusading King Philippe Auguste in the year 1190. Refurbished and expanded several times throughout the centuries, what they turned into a residence and palace became a hoarding place of art over time. This was due to the kings of France becoming known as voracious collectors of art, so when the palace opened as a museum in 1793, the Louvre became a priceless asset to the French people. Louvre wall murals are a descendant of this massive history. Even after the French revolution, the art kept growing, either through donations or as "prices" from the Napoleonic wars. It is no wonder therefore that visitors nowadays could easily spend a couple of days in the Louvre before having seen all the works of art. Make yourself a little bit more comfortable by getting yourself Louvre wall murals.
A home to many
As previously mentioned, the Louvre is host to some of the world's most important and beautiful works of art. Although they cannot be seen directly in Louvre wall murals, you will be pleased to know that some of the paintings in the museum include "Liberty Leading the People" by Eugène Delacroix and "The Wedding at Cana" by Paolo Veronese. But the real highlight is of course the most known painting in the world, "The Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci. This oil painting in the style of realism has captivated people for centuries with her mysterious smile and those haunting eyes. Perhaps Louvre wall murals can be a reminder or an inspiration for you to one day visit the museum and see this masterpiece yourself. Did you know that there are also famous sculptures in the Louvre? It contains the famous "Venus de Milo", which is an ancient Greek statue and "Seated Scribe, from ancient Egyptian. With Louvre wall murals, you really have a piece of history as your wall decoration.
Louvre wall murals samples
If ever you do visit the Louvre, you should probably be aware that it is almost always quite full due to the huge amount of visitors. They say the museum gets around 20000 visitors, per day! That is crazy to think about even when you just look at your Louvre wall murals. A helpful pointer is that from June to September is peak season in the city of Paris, so best to avoid those months if you really want to visit the museum. Once you finally do reach the location, one of the first things to stand out can be seen in Louvre wall murals. "City Paris" showcases the glass pyramid which is currently the museum’s principle entrance in simple but stunning fashion. You could say that this Louvre wall mural is a work of art in itself. You might be surprised to know that the pyramid was built in the palace’s main courtyard in 1989, much more recent than expected.