Natural selections
Wall decor that takes its cue from the vast world of nature is highly varied. If you are considering a natural wall mural as part of your interior design plans, then it is best to start thinking about the scene which will suit your room perfectly. Select a theme that also suits your personality and the overall feel of your space.
Nature wall murals tips
To give you a quick insight, let us consider water as a theme. You might immediately think of fast-flowing water with breaking waves or cascades being ideal choices for a bathroom, but this is not the only way in which naturally illustrated water can look great in a dwelling. A reflective lake panorama or a still sea create just the exact sort of calming mood ideal for places of relaxation, which is easy to achieve with our nature wall murals.
Water is life
If you want some of the energy that rushing water can bring, perhaps for a feature wall in a home gym, then dynamic waterfalls and flowing rivers are the best way to go. When it comes to water, of course, its shimmer always reflects what else is around, so consider this aspect when working with a colour scheme. Water and neutrally coloured stones suit most places, but the vibrant hues of ferns and trees close to water induce more purposeful approaches to colour when working with our nature wall murals.
Using nature wall murals as seasonal considerations
The wonderful thing about nature is that it is ever-changing. To reflect the true nature of the natural world, it is advisable to think about the changing seasons. In line with this, our selection of nature wall murals is also always updated with plentiful new additions.
Period pieces
Wintery scenes, full of white snow and crystal clear blue skies, make for extremely attractive wall murals in a variety of home and office settings. The rich reds, yellows and golds of autumnal forests and landscapes create softer tones which integrate perfectly with soft furnishings as part of an interior design. For something that is bright and creates a no-nonsense look-at-me image, think of summer and vibrant Van Gogh sunflower yellows when considering a nature wall mural. The softer appearance of early spring images present something that speaks more of renewal. You are spoiled for choice with our nature wall murals, whether it is blooms of bluebell fields, new growth from budding shoots or the rich yellow of daffodils, trumpeting the arrival of springtime.
Scintillating the skylines with nature wall murals
If you think that skylines only mean cityscapes, then think again! The sky is an ideal natural subject matter for feature wallpaper because it creates such a superb sense of depth in a room. Our nature wall murals that call attention to pure sky images, perhaps with a few fluffy clouds passing dreamily by, create a stunning sense of space and mental freedom. Skylines which feature a horizon, connecting the earth with the sky, are ideal for extending the intensity of a room with a clever natural illusion.
Spirit in the sky
The great thing about nature wall murals is that you can choose the sky scene creating another mental window. Anything from early morning haze cast over a mountain range to the mystical greens of the Northern Lights glowing over a Nordic forest. Sunsets and sunrises both afford you many more colour scheme options. The yellows, burnt oranges and deep reds are all spectacular choices of nature wall murals and other coordinating wallpapers. Furthermore, our nature wall murals also have night sky scenes on hand, with dazzling white stars twinkling over a deep inky blue velvet.
Nature the true designer
When contemplating the sorts of wallpapers that have been made over the years, it is no surprise that natural elements have often been central to their designs. Consider the patterns made by leaf formations or shells, both of which often repeat and tessellate in a myriad of ways. Nature wall murals can take advantage of these features to create stunning geometric patterns, but on a much larger scale.
Creating balance with nature wall murals
Regard the near mathematical elegance of a nautilus shell, for instance. Consider the fractal-like qualities of the humble maple leaf, another ideal choice for nature wall murals in many different sorts of rooms.The same sort of effect can be found in many forest scenes too. The beautiful bare branches of neighbouring deciduous trees in winter, for example, are particularly effective in this regard.These nature wall murals bring a harmony to a space by stabilizing the different aesthetics.