Some samples
There are species of whales which are among the longest lived mammals. Scientists estimate that the bowhead whales, for instance, can live for more than 200 years! The same goes for whales wallpaper, which you can keep and even bestow to future generations for decades and decades on. Whales wallpaper also pay tribute to humpback whales in some way, although this particular kind is not yet present. Humpbacks are known for singing loud, complex "songs". The sounds they make are the most varied in the animal kingdom, ranging from high-pitched squeals and whistles to low, rumbling gurgles. You can have some part of this amazing whale fact in your abode with items like "Whale Song". These types of whales wallpaper can really give your wall decoration that beautiful charm and character. Each time you look at your focal point, you will feel a tinge of emotion.
Whales wallpaper and their symbolic weight
Whales have been admired and respected for centuries by so many different cultures. They are typically associated with compassion and solitude, and knowledge of both life and death. Whales wallpaper thus make for a wonderful wall decoration in residential spaces such as the living room. The exhalation through the blowhole symbolizes the freeing of one’s own creative energies, which can be a great factor in getting whales wallpaper for interiors like the study room or even the meeting room at the office. In some cultures, they are even close to being revered like in the Arctic, where there are legends that tell how the Great Spirit created the most perfect animal, the bow whale. Spotting a whale swimming is a good sign for the natives, while seeing a dead whale on the beach can be a bad omen. When you see the beauty and depth of these whales wallpaper, you will definitely know and feel why. Just imagine a piece like "Whale Map - Blue" in your chosen interior and you will feel the chills running down your spine.
For awareness and care
Due to their size, widespread distribution and variety of feeding patterns, whales affect the ocean in special ways with a truly global impact. They fulfill a special and necessary function in the marine environment. These whales wallpaper by Photowall can be the gentle reminder that tells us to protect these gentle giants at all cost. People tend to lump whales together, but there are actually two types of whales, toothed and baleen. Toothed whales have teeth which are used to hunt and eat squid, fish and seals. Toothed whales include sperm whales, as well as dolphins, porpoises, and orcas, which you cannot see yet in whales wallpaper. Baleen whales are larger than toothed whales for the most part and include blue whales, humpbacks, bowhead whales, and others. You can see these in whales wallpaper like "Whale Friends", a beautiful specimen with soothing tones and hues, making it ideal for a children's room.