Using and placing dahlias canvas prints
It is believed that dahlias were used in treating epilepsy by the Aztecs and as a food source by the Europeans after the French potato crop underwent destruction in the 1840s. They form a part of the regional cuisine of Mexico even today, so a dahlias canvas print in the kitchen would like a lasting tribute to this cultural facet of the flower. Furthermore, before insulin was discovered, it is believed that a naturally occurring form of fruit sugar obtained from dahlia tubers was used to derive a substance known as Atlantic starch or diabetic sugar. This substance was then given to diabetics. It is said that this extracted substance or insulin is used even today in clinical trials or tests related to the functioning of kidneys. So as you can see, not only are dahlias canvas prints pretty and easy on the eyes, but they also display a flower that has many interesting things about it.
Healthy variety
There are quite a lot of types of dahlias, but let us focus on the three most popular of the species. Single dahlias have a single ring of petals that circle around a central disc. The petals may be rounded or pointed and may overlap, as you can see in the dahlias canvas print named "Dahlia Flower". There are also cactus dahlias with very narrow petals from the tip to the base that curve outwards. Check out the dahlias canvas print entitled "Peach Dahlias Light" to see this particular type of the flower. Ball dahlias have a spiral arrangement of curved petals that form a ball or a slightly flattened sphere, like the piece "Red - Dahlias". With dahlias canvas prints by Photowall, you really do have plenty of options to decorate with.
Stronger context with dahlias canvas prints
These flowers are often associated with various things that may range from messages of enduring grace to signals of warning. During the Victorian era, dahlias were believed to be an indication of personal sentiments, meaning commitment or an everlasting bond. The qualities of elegance and dignity were also associated with them and you will definitely see why when you see dahlias canvas prints. Another vital example is Mexico, the dahlia’s origin country, which considers it their national flower. This vibrant bloom can still be seen growing wild on many mountainsides in that particular country. Since they are widely enjoyed around the world in gardens, bouquets, centerpieces and gift arrangements dahlias canvas prints can be the ideal focal point to have in your interiors. These dahlias canvas prints will bring intense interest, bright colours and appealing textures to any type of room.
Different styles
Whether you want your space to look modern or a bit retro, dahlias canvas prints can be the right tool for the right look. "Dahlias - Dark", for example, works on both accounts, depending on the furniture and colour schemes you surround it with. Imagine a hallway with this dahlias canvas print as the focal point and pair it with some elegant modern decorative items. If you are looking for something softer and perhaps more feminine, dahlias canvas prints such as "Pompon Dahlia" could the path to a beautiful interior. This kind of item can be the difference between ordinary and extraordinary. Use dahlias canvas prints to accentuate the particular style of decoration you looking to work with.