Bring the music with Vienna posters
A major part of Vienna’s fame and in fact cultural identity, lies in its taste and keen participation in music. More
famous musicians have lived here than any other city of the world. Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi, Schubert, Salieri, are but
a few who have drawn inspiration from the capital of Austria. Vienna posters can do the same for you, but not only for
your music room, but any other space you wish to decorate with style and class. While the aforementioned legendary names
made the history of the city of music, contemporary Vienna is all about preserving it’s reputation for music and creating
new idols for the musical landscape. Mozarthauz, Schonberg Centre, Museum of Johann Strauss Dynasty are some of the
finest musical institutions in the city. You can see some of these in Vienna posters in the veins of Vienna Austria
Skyline. This array of motifs comes in different shades and tones, making it an ideal visual tool to match or contrast
with your already existing interior design and colour schemes.
A look back in history
In 881 the town then known as ‘Wenia’, surfaced in official documents and over the ensuing centuries control of Vienna
changed hands a number of times. Vienna was a hotbed of revolt and religious bickering during the Reformation and
Counter-Reformation and suffered terribly through plague and sieges at the end of the 17th century. Nonetheless, the
beginning of the 18th century heralded in the golden age for Vienna, where baroque architecture, civil reforms and a
classical music revolution all gained a strong foothold. Remnants of this era can be found in Vienna posters such as
Imperial Library in Wien, a beautiful piece that showcases the architecture as well as its immaculate preservation. The
Viennese take great pride in their history and thus the city is littered with historic landmarks conserved to perfection.
However, the advent of World War I stalled the city’s architectural and cultural development and by the end of the
conflict, the monarchy had been consigned to the past.
Living easy with Vienna posters
As you might have noticed, Vienna has had a history of empires and intrigues like few other cities in the world. In 1913
alone, Hitler, Freud and Stalin all lived in the Austrian capital. Flecked with palaces, museums and opera houses, not to
mention the world’s oldest and grandest zoo, Vienna posters can create a historic and meaningful atmosphere. It may be
not as cool as Barcelona, as romantic as Venice or as cosmopolitan as London, but only a very few cities can combine a
bit of each of these qualities as successfully as Vienna does. Just take a look at the beauty of Vienna posters like
Vienna Square with Rainbow and you will undoubtedly want to visit the city one day. Austrians themselves revel in the
ease of living in their capital, from the omnipresent cafes to the near-pristine lakes and rivers. Fact is, you can even
swim in some parts of the Danube! This beauty and cleanliness can now be brought into your residence or workspace with
Vienna posters by Photowall.