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Passionate precision in dramatic works of art in the new collection Flora Hysterica II

We continue to dive deeper into Martin Bergström's thousand-fold herbarium and get to take part of newly created artwork motifs made with Photowall in mind.

Marsh Marigold

With a flora as a constant companion, botany has gilded Martin Bergström's existence throughout his life. Martin uses refined scanning technology to combine his age-dried flowers from the 19th-century treasure chest with dozens of layers of color, and with emotional precision merges everything into dramatic works of art.

Each flower is carefully selected and contrasts well with the exclusive background. There is an updated glow through all motifs in the collection, the motifs have gained substance and dynamic, and there is greater focus on the flowers and the details of the dried plants.

- I like that nothing goes to waste with Photowall, says Martin Bergström, since everything is printed on demand and made to measure, so only exactly what is needed is produced, and nothing more.

The fifteen designs in the collection are suitable for both small rooms and large-scale environments. This time, all motifs are available as wallpaper, canvas, poster and framed paintings. With motifs like Marsh Marigold containing the plant Marsh-marigold and Alchemilla Vulgaris consisting of dewdrops, Martin Bergström once again allows us to be enchanted by the beauty around us and gives us the opportunity to create a strong and safe world wherever we need it.

Release date: September 16th 2020
The Flora Hysterica II collection is exclusively sold online at Photowall.com
Wallpaper price €39/m²
Link to the collection: Flora Hysterica II by Martin Bergström
High-resolution images
Interview: Martin Bergström on Flora Hysterica II

Marsh Marigold – detail
Nocturne – detail
Rhizome – framed print



Martin Bergström

About Martin Bergström

Martin Bergström is a Swedish textile artist and fashion creator, educated in Stockholm and Berlin. He is known for his imaginative designs and creations, almost always containing motifs from the plant kingdom.

Already at the age of three, Martin Bergström knew The Nordic Flora by heart and the fascination for flowers has ever since been present and permeated Martin's artistry.

Press room

High-resolution press images: Flora Hysterica II by Martin Bergström 
Links to the collectionpress releaseinterviewpress room

Press room - See all previous press releases
High-resolution images from previous press releases

For interview requests, loans for press purposes, wallpaper samples, and further information, please contact us at press@photowall.com | +46 8 550 087 31

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