More to know
Lawns wall murals will teach you that it is not simply about planting grass in a desired space, but also that lawns are made of many different types. The most common is probably the famous Bermuda grass which dictates a a thick and dense lawn. There are also Centipede grass, St. Augustine, Tall fescue, Fine fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, Zoysia grass and Perennial ryegrass. It can be fun to research to which type your chosen lawns wall murals belong to. Did you know that maintaining a lawn can actually help control flood areas? This is because lawns reduces water run off, enhance ground water recharge and control soil erosion. It would be amazing to have a beautiful lawn outside your house and at the same time some gorgeous lawns wall murals in your interiors. Well taken care of lawns also help in temperature moderation as well as heat dissipation. For those that have or have had lawns, you might also be aware that they reduce glare, noise and the so-called visual pollution. Lawns wall murals by Photowall can have some of these positive effects as well.
The main colour in lawns wall murals
You cannot talk about lawns without talking about the colour which defines it. Green affects us physically and mentally in several different ways. It can soothing, relaxing and youthful while helping us alleviate anxiety, depression and nervousness. In addition, green also brings with it a sense of hope, health and renewal. "Green Lawn", for instance, is a perfect example of these emotions as it depicts an absolutely stunning landscape that is not only comforting, but also tremendously inspiring. The power of lawns wall murals, aside from looking incredible in any residential or commercial hallway, is that they can evoke that hopefulness and peace we all strive for after all. Lawns wall murals can also be a cultural hallmark because in different civilizations, green carries various and deep meanings. One of the first and most known cultural associations of the colour green is that it is the national colour of Ireland and is commonly associated with good luck.
Symbolic value
Lawns wall murals also carry deeper meaning when you really think about its main element. Sometimes symbolism is strange and mysterious, covering an array of exciting animals like tigers and venomous snakes. However, symbolism is not just lost on the mundane, even if that mundane thing is something simple as grass. Lawns wall murals of grass also have a representative quality, because although we might take it for granted sometimes in real life, grass in your interior will not only stand out, but also convey something you might want to express. One of the unique things about grass as a symbol is that you never find just one blade of grass by itself. You can find flowers, trees, animals and people who spend their time alone, but grass is also surrounded by more grass. This makes lawns wall murals a great symbol for community and togetherness, something that fits both the home and the office.