A colour is not only a colour
The human eye is fascinating, and can distinguish around 500 different shades of grey. So although at first glance grey might seem an unexciting colour with only a few uses, it’s actually easy to use to create a personal impression. Grey is the colour of possibility. The colours’ colour. If you have any difficulty grasping grey’s chameleon-like ability to change character, we at Photowall recommend taking a look at our range of nearly 300 canvas prints. There’s the almost sepia-grey Above Clouds canvas print, the classic New York City 3, and “Svartsjukans natt, August Strindberg”. These three prints are excellent examples of grey’s fascinating versatility. Many people love dark colours, but some find the very darkest tones too sombre and avoid decorating with black. But it’s still possible to make use of deeper tones, thanks to the many different shades and personalities of grey. Charcoal grey can communicate the same strength and mystique as true black, but without the heaviness and darkness. The dark grey canvas print Naked Trees does this in a mature, uncomplicated style, as does Kick It - Red Grey, which skilfully balances the two colours’ personalities thanks to its red accents.
Grey is the new beige
For many years, beige has been seen as a safe choice of foundation colour in the home, and we at Photowall truly appreciate its many positive aspects. However, beige has been a bit overused, and sadly has begun to lose some of its mystique. What a stroke of luck that grey has come back into fashion! Not only is it just as suitable as beige as a foundation colour, it also has its own character that makes it so much more than an anonymous background. Grey complements a wide variety of other colours, whether light, dark, soft or loud. A strong scarlet accent wall can be overwhelming and a strain on the eyes, but break it up with the help of a kinder grey, and you’ll have new ways to combine colours to realise your chosen design scheme. Soothing grey can bind together more dramatic tones, and allows you to combine colours in previously impossible ways. Use the Liquid Fire canvas print on a dark green wall to create an inspiring contrast, or Fire Truck on a light blue wall to bring life to a child’s bedroom. Thanks to its 500 different shades of grey, Photowall offers endless ways to bring your home to life.
How to add Grey to your interior
In interior design, the color grey may be considered as an opposite of a color. Sometimes, the color is the least preferred by many homeowners. However, the truth is that the color grey can be a wonderful tool in creating a space with any color palette. Have it mixed with the right color and your space will have a sophisticated appearance and rich in color.
A grey colored wallpaper can serve as a wonderful backdrop for you to add the right furnishings and accents to your room. Think of it like a canvas in a painting where you add your amazing images. You can add practically anything to it. From bold colored furniture pieces to muted color fabrics. These can simply make your interior look amazing. That’s the wonder of having grey on your walls.