The importance of leaves wallpaper
Aside from the obvious visual appeal and charm of leaves wallpaper, this category also sheds a light on how we value this part of the plant, and of course the plant itself. Leaves provide food and air to help a plant stay healthy and grow, since leaves are essentially the plants food factory. Through photosynthesis, they turn light energy into food by combining water from the soil and carbon dioxide gas from the air to make sugar. Through pores, or stomata as they are scientifically referred to, leaves "breathe" in carbon dioxide and "breathe" out oxygen. In general leaves are green, as you will see in most of the leaves wallpapers we have in store for you. Oxygen is released during that aforementioned process, which is called respiration. Not only is it enjoyable to have leaves wallpaper in your space, but also educational and representative of how you care and value the environment. You can even combine these leaves wallpapers with real plants to really show your green thumb.
A subcategory
Inside the leaves wallpaper category, there is a smaller tier called Palm Leaves. This kind of leaf is classified as a tropical and shades leaf. These are mostly huge leaves that capture any photons of light that might make it down to the forest floor, through the tall canopy and many layers of vegetation. Plants with these kinds of leaves tend to be dark green, with tons of chlorophyll so that they can maximize photosynthesis. You can see this in leaves wallpaper like Twilight Palms II or Jungle Leaves. In this cluster of leaves wallpaper, you might also notice some notable visitors in the form of animals and humans. Exposive is a beautiful example of this, combining the beauty of leaves wallpaper with a gorgeous figure. This type of wall decor can change the entire visual weight and balance of a room. For something more subtle, check out the beautiful motif Piece of Paradise - Viridescent. It is simple but it absolutely rocks!
Leaves wallpaper for everyone
With the aforementioned diversity in colour and designs, plus the notable visitors from the animal world, you have an ideal decoration agent for children's spaces in these leaves wallpapers. Affable characters and warm colours can have a positive effect on a kid's mental well-being, as well as being fun and interesting, not to mention educational. Any child's bedroom, study area or play space would benefit from leaves wallpaper in their rooms. Into the Jungle can stimulate them into becoming more interested and invested in Mother Nature. Parrot Friends - Sepia can nurture an affinity for birds and the conservation of species. Leaves wallpaper can have such a positive and informative impact on a child, which bodes well for our planet's future.