Describing the main act
Before we get to the really good stuff, let us make sure we know what we are talking about when we talk about the plant parts called petals. You may be surprised to learn that petals are actually modified leaves. As a modified leaf, a petal has a broad, flat area called the blade. At the narrow end, where the petal is attached to the plant, is the claw, which is very similar to a leaf stem. Without getting too technical, this is vital information because people will ask when they see your petals wallpaper as these items are incredibly eye-catching and interesting. Just imagine a petals wallpaper such as Flourish Botanical in your living room. Visitors will be very curious as to why and what your wall decor is, and perhaps even more surprised when you talk so eloquently about it. That is essentially what petals wallpaper also represents, it is not just pretty to look at, but also a very important part of plant life. Too frequently discounted as an unimportant fashion accessory of plant anatomy, there is far more to petals than meets the eye!
Short history lesson in petals wallpaper
Believe it or not, a long, long time ago, there were no flowers! We tend to think that flowers were here since the beginning of time, but they were not, at least not in this form they are in now. In the Cretaceous period, some 130 million years ago, a handful of rogue cone-bearing plants started protecting their naked seeds with a new structure born out of evolution. This new, flimsy bit of colour was so successful at boosting pollination rates that it spread far and wide, making flowering plants the most successful types of plant life on Earth during that time. That structure is the petal we know and love today, and which you can see plenty of in petals wallpaper. You can even see this pollination process in pieces such as La Felur. This particular petals wallpaper is absolutely stunning and can make for a great focal point in your home, or even the workplace. Studies have shown that artwork can boost productivity in the office by creating a visual stimulant for the employees.
Colour me
As mentioned, petals evolved to protect the reproductive part of a flower and to attract or repel specific pollinators. We know that flowers come in practically every colour imaginable, just like petals wallpaper, but did you know that they also feature colours we cannot see? Flowers exist to attract the type of pollinator that will help them to procreate their species, but not all pollinators are created equally. Thus, it is a waste of resources for a plant to attract the wrong sort. Colour plays such an important role in interior design as well. Warm hues and shades like in the petals wallpaper Flourishing Magnolia - Warm Brown are perfect for an intimate space like the bedroom. The darker but more somber tinges of Loufoque - Cobolt on the other hand might be ideal for a workspace or the living room, to balance out the many things going on.