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Arguably the most popular dog to have in a household is the Labrador Retriever. As we explore Photowall's Labradors wall murals, you will learn more about these factors, the breed's hRead moreistory and so much more. Unique designs, beautiful colour combinations and gorgeous scenes await you in this category. An affectionate, people-oriented breed, it is no wonder that Labradors wall murals would make most sense to put into a residential space. Nonetheless, their appeal and affable nature can also make these dogs the ideal focal point in other interiors, like the workplace or a recreational space. Having a Labradors wall mural in your office can also have another effect as this breed of dogs is well-known for its energy, which can be contagious. They say that just spending 15 minutes with a Labrador will get you an instant energy burst. Maybe Labradors wall murals can have the same effect on you, your colleagues and so on. Labradors wall murals will give your space an invigorated approach to life and people will feel happy and alive upon seeing it.

The history in Labradors wall murals

Although the name itself might suggest Labrador Retrievers came from Labrador, Canada, the breed actually originated in Newfoundland in the 1500s. These dogs were owned by fishermen and jumped into icy water to bring back fish that had fallen off the fishing hooks, or pull in fish-filled nets. This story alone makes Labradors wall murals worthy of the admission into your domain. Labradors wall murals will certainly lend your walls style and charm, but it also nice to be able to share something educational. Use these images to really spruce up and give your interior design more life and dynamism. Labradors wall murals are the perfect way to establish visual weight and make your walls really pop. You only need to look at something such as "Lab Puppy" and you will immediately see what we mean. The Labradors wall murals array by Photowall will really turn up the adorable factor in any given space.

Things to know

These canines are among the dog world’s most versatile workers who can do almost anything. Thanks to their intelligence, eagerness to please, and willingness to work hard, Labradors are invaluable workers in a variety of fields. This variety is also reflected in Labradors wall murals, where you can see them in different scenarios reacting to diverse situations. An example of this is "Black Dog Lake Champlain", which shows the dog's versatility captured in an artistic form. What makes Labradors wall murals even more appealing is that the breed itself comes in three conformation colours, which are yellow, black and chocolate. While we are more used to the yellow hue, black Labradors can be equally beautiful. Just check out the Labradors wall mural named "Black Labrador". This wonderful portrait can look as good in the foyer at home as it can in the break room at the office.

Decorating with Labradors wall murals

Photowall has some of the world’s most amazing designs featuring man's best friend, like the Labradors wall murals category. Featuring this breed of dogs in action, you will certainly come to cherish their sight within your domain. These pets are amazing companions and some of the world’s most affable and adorable dog breeds. Display your adorable fur babies with Labradors wall murals. Any dull or boring wall will instantly become more vibrant and lively with Labradors wall murals. A wonderful texture to your room can really make the difference between forgettable and truly extraordinary. Pick your most desired Labradors wall murals and add it to your bedroom, your child’s space or even the meeting room in the office. Set the right mood and your family, friends and visitors will see how you have added personality to your interiors through Labradors wall murals.
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