Styling with a gray wall mural
In homes, gray is warm, welcoming and airy – and yet exciting! A rustic plank in a kitchen or a wooden floor in a bedroom can easily disappear in the surrounding decor, yet the details they introduce are so naturally beautiful that they are worth highlighting. This may seem difficult – even impossible – at first, but when you see the possibilities in the color and in gray wall murals, you will love the challenge of highlighting demurely beautiful details in your home. Like many other popular colors, gray is very multifaceted. Gray is so much more than just gray! The unbelievably many hues and shades of gray can sometimes feel like a jungle when hunting for exactly the right shade. Cold grays tend toward blue, while warmer grays tend toward something more like yellow-green.
A gray wall mural is a safe bet
If you want to play things safe, an elegant light gray is sure to work well. The Planes wall mural from Jolly Wrenches is absolutely unbeatable for a child’s room. World Map Detailed Gray is – unsurprisingly – a wall mural that is perfect for the home office. A Stockholm lover would find the Vasastan wall mural and its imaginative mapping of the Vasastan neighbourhood irresistible for an accent wall in the living room. There’s a risk a gray wall may appear flat, but that is easy to fix. A gray wall mural may already have one or several exciting patterns – or, a more sedate wallpaper can serve as the perfect background for your photo wall. Light gray colors are lovely, but please don’t forget the darker grays! A dark gray wall mural in a home with furniture that tends toward shades of white can be amazing, especially when popped with dark shades of other colors, such as cushions in dark purple or a plank of dark oak. A bedroom in white and gray can never, ever be wrong. If you are looking for a discreet and demure yet liberating look, a gray wall mural is a smart solution. Gray is easy for the eyes to grasp, relaxing them and lending tranquillity to your bedroom. Gray colors are in places you wouldn’t expect. The elegance the color brings is something we at Photowall truly appreciate.