Understanding vintage clothing wall murals
It is important to understand that the definition of vintage is fluid, since every decade brings forth new items that eventually fit into this classification. If you want to get even more technical, keep in mind that all vintage will eventually become antique. Clothing 100 years old or more is already classified as antique, for example. This is also reflected in vintage clothing wall murals, where there are no antiques to be found yet. Nonetheless, there are examples of classic style, which means that a piece remains stylish through time. In other words, it does not reflect the era in which it was made but rather transcends all eras, with minor style adjustments. Examples of classic styles are the little black dress, trench coats, button-up white shirts and blazers. A little black dress from the 1980s, for instance, would be classic, not vintage, while a blazer with significant shoulder pads from that era would be vintage. Vintage clothing wall murals like "Spanish lady, Gordon Conway" are a great exhibit of this very notion.
Works of masters
Vintage clothing wall murals are also the source of some incredible works of art, heavily influenced by the lifestyle and culture of the era in which they were produced. The artist who designed the Moulin Rouge's legendary posters, for example, was an aristocrat, dwarf and party animal who even invented a cocktail called the Earthquake, which is half absinthe, half cognac. Experts say that Henri de Toulouse Lautrec's paintings, drawings and posters are like insects trapped in amber, preserving the swirl of energy, the mix of classes and cultures, and the highs and lows of urban life in 19th-century Paris. Vintage clothing wall murals by Photowall can give off the same power and evoke a similar spirit, making your space a memorable experience for anyone who sets eyes upon your decor. Just imagine a piece like "Women at her Toilet, Henri Toulouse Lautrec" in your abode and envisage how it will make the room pop. Vintage clothing wall murals like these are the perfect tool to spruce up your interiors while also lending it some much needed texture and character.
More vintage clothing wall murals
If you are looking for something more along the lines of icon of the past, you cannot go wrong with motifs such as "Home Town Story". This vintage clothing wall mural will instantly become the focal point of any space, no matter if it is your home or your office, because it features the one and only Marilyn Monroe. In addition to featuring the quintessential bombshell of that period in time, this vintage clothing wall mural is rendered in classic black and white, which ups the nostalgia factor even more. "Swimsuit Issue of the Year" is another vintage clothing wall mural featuring this Hollywood legend in her prime.