What effects can orange wallpaper have?
Hang orange wallpaper and you might see some impressive effects on anyone who spends time in the room. Studies show that the color orange can have observable physical effects. It increases not only physical activity and hunger but also mental activity from more oxygen to the brain and provides a greater sense of satisfaction and safety— not to mention, it gets people talking! Orange also facilitates decision-making and increases happiness, trust and understanding. Orange is often used as wallpaper in creative settings such as media agencies and architecture firms, but also in restaurants, all of them places where you will find orange used as the dominant color or prominent accent color.
Orange as accent wallpaper
One of the commonest uses of orange wallpaper is as an accent wall. An orange wall often becomes the dominant color in a room and draws the eye. One clever trick is to use orange accent wallpaper and to display certain types of objects against it to make them really stand out. Orange is so intense and dominant on the color scale that one accent wall with orange wallpaper is enough to take over an entire room. One of the most striking effects is to use orange wallpaper on a wall that catches either the sunrise or the sunset. This creates a warm, intense experience for anyone in the room because the red of the sun is amplified by the orange wallpaper when it reflects the sunlight back into the room.
Other ways of styling with orange wallpaper
The other colors in your room will need careful planning because orange is such an intense color. Orange wallpaper will reflect orange light onto the rest of your decor, so you need to pick colors that do not clash with orange. It's common to choose white walls to go with orange accent wallpaper, which is sensible because the orange wallpaper will reflect off the white walls and give them a warmer feel. The light sources in the room will also require some thought so that the orange wallpaper does not become too dominant or reflect on colors that could clash with orange.
Photowall has a wide range of orange wallpaper
We at Photowall like orange wallpaper because it gives rooms life and loads of energy. We know using orange as a wallpaper color can be a bit daunting, but with a little planning you too can create an amazing room that energizes and inspires creativity.